still feeling like I've had the stuffing kicked out of me

Sarah W Baby Belly said:
the thing is, my milk flow is very very fast first thing in the morning and it is recommended to do it then.

I have only just fed LO and my boobs are pretty empty now.

Also the milk that you get first thing in the morning has quite a bit of the hormone in it that knocks them out, so its worth catching that milk and storing it all day and then giving it to him at 11pm tomorrow.

I might go and get the pump all set up and sterilised and ready in a minute.

cool, i didnt know that, learn something new every day :D

ewll good luck hun, make sure after you express that you let someone else take over so you can rest

Here here you will bond a lot better when you are both less stressed honestly
it looks like sam is going off to sleep now (not complacent though and maybe straight back on in a minute)

if you don't here from me in the next half hour you can assume that i got lucky!

thanks guys, things are going to be different round here from now on with the feeding

I have also ordered a sling from the internet as well, so that I can get a few more things done in the average day.

talk soon (not too soon though I hope!)

You are doing absoultly brilliant, you should be proud of yourself- I have just done a thread on how I have, after 6 days given up breastfeeding due to the excruitating pain (My boobs are bound up with bandages now because of the pain and so they can dry up :cry: )

I tried so hard - the latching on was fine, the engorgement and sore nipples were way over what I was expecting in the pain department - tried everything - heat / cold compresses / nipple sheilds (which actaully meant I could persist for another couple of days - the crunch came when I realised I was crying in fear of her waking to be fed and I would have to go through all that pain just to feed her. In the end (after several tearful conversations with the M/W and D/H we decided to switch to bottle - so you are doing really well to get this far - 50 / 50 may suit you better - so Sam will still be getting breastmilk but you could keep him topped up with formula so you can then get a decent nights kip.

Hope you get a restful weekend

L x
Hi Sarah

I'm finding breastfeeding really hard as well but we're started giving Olivia one bottle of formula at night to give me a break and since then I have been enjoying feeding her more and hopefully will mean we can ask DH's parents to look after her for an evening in the future and leave formula with them for her. I tried expressing but didn't seem to be able to get that much milk :( I think I'll try it again next week once DH has gone back to work and the midwife/health visitor visits have stopped.

You're doing a brilliant job Sarah,

Hi Babe,

Will give you some hugs and support on Monday :)

Hi Sarah!!!

Hope things are a bit better. i had the same problems in the beginning. thomas wanted constant feeding, i felt like a milking cow, not his mum. My partner put some pressure on me not to give him "dirty formula" as he would call it, that breastfeeding was the best option and i should stick to it. Until the day when even being on the breast constantly was not enough, thomas would scream still so my partner gave him a bottle of formula and thomas slept straight after finishing the bottle. I tried to express, bought an electical one, used it twice, i do not find the time to express at all. Now i have to go back to work for 3rd of april i am trying to put thomas on formula but he does not like it at all. I enjoy breastfeeding him though except during growth spurt, it reminds me of the first few weeks lol

Don't blame yourself if you struggle sometimes it is only natural. I am struggling to put thomas to sleep now, other matter :)

Good luck
i do feel like a milking cow

especially when i do get to sleep in between feeds. its like the baby has never been away from the breast.

oh well

today has been a very good day and i have slept

its almost time to go for another night-time

wonder what that will bring?

we successfully expressed quite a lot of milk this morning. i had baby on one breast and pump on the other. now that really made me look like a milking cow!

i will let you know how it goes!
Hey Sarah...

When you can, drop me a line and tell me how you are getting on.

I have to say that I felt exactly the same as you at three or four weeks postpartum. Suffice to say, stick it out hun and you will soon be over the hump. I'm glad you've made the decision to get out the breast pump, it's going to be easier now. You don't need anyone's permission...remember they're your boobs, you have to do all the work, so you make the decisions about how you feed Samuel. I went to formula completely and am now drying up, because b/f was wearing me out too.

I promise you, it gets better. Naomi is seven weeks old now and I am starting to regain my bounce, energy, and even the good humour that has been missing from my personality since I was about three months pregnant. I feel like me again, where three weeks ago I was wondering if the old me would ever re-emerge. I'm sure my OH was too!

*HUG* With you in spirit!

As I said, drop me a line next time you're on.

hi everyone

things are quite a bit better now

we had two good nights sleep in a row and the dh gave sam his first bottle of breastmilk last night while i ate. it was bliss to see someone else finally feeding him and he slept from 10pm until 4am and then 5am until about 8am!

needless to say that we are on a much better planet this morning!
Sounds like he's finally finding his own routine, that's fab news Sarah! Well done for peservering with the feeding :) As I type DH is giving Ella some expressed milk, it gives me a well earned break from feeding and helps DH to feel involved with something other than nappy duty!
You are doing so well babe Samuel looked like a very happy chappie who is thriving being with his mummy :)

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