Still breech 36+2 :(


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Well just been to midwife and baby is still breech she said shes well and truly stuck aswel as her bum is right down into my pelvis so very unlikely she will move around on her own! Iv been booked in for a scan on monday at 11am and I will see a doctor to go through my options and if I decide to have her turned they will do it that day but to take someone with me as it can send you into labour!!! im so scared iv been in tears since I got home its looking like a c-section for me now :( I might get a date on monday if thats what I decide and it will be done around 38 weeks as my last baby was over a week early so less than two weeks I could have my baby. I just dont know what to do at all have her turned, try for a vaginal delivery or go for c-section I feel so overwhelmed I have no info whatsoever on what is best for baby and me feel completely in the dark and so worried!!
Hey chick, am so sorry; by Monday she still could have turned. You could try placing frozen peas where babies head is on your belly, and as they don't liike the cold she may move away. Or you could do some 'doggy' positions with head down for around 10-15 mins at a time which may encourage baby to turn, gravity and all that.

Your where I was last week; be hopeful as things may work out, but if not just be prepared for hospital chicken are they planning on massaging her round?

I can understand your panic as I was there til Monday this week; she could still turn before 38 weeks, so try not to worry to much... if you put breech birthing in an internet search there is tons of stuff on it and there are some videos of breech birthing as well, I had a look at them to make sense in my head about my options..

All the best


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Hi hun. My Lo was breech and i ended up having a planned section it was absolutly fantastic ! I decided not to have her turned as i found myself believing there were less positives than negatives for me and i wanted Maisie to be delivered as safetly and with the smallest amount of complications as possible

My birth story is bellow I have managed to bf exclusivly and am a single parent and all i have is praise for my section and i would do it again in a heart beat. I have also included the next few days as they were the hardest. I was out and home on day 3

My breech birth story :

Saturday 5th February

I saw the consultant and he decided that I would have my section early as my body was showing all the signs of pre eclampsia but my bloods weren’t catching up. He decided that they probably would Section me on Sunday but try and stretch till Monday as the whole team would be in and it would be safer to do. I decided to go have a shower however that wasn’t going to be as the consultant came back and said we’re sectioning you today!! I was so shocked I called my Mum but she didn’t answer so I told my Dad and he told Mum over the phone however it didn’t sink in and she called me whilst they were wheeling me down to delivery. I arrived on delivery and about 5 minutes later my Mum turned up in complete shock. They said they would section me about 3.30 pm. I asked to have a shower but they wouldn’t let me as my blood pressure was still high and they were worried I would pass out in the shower. After being on delivery for a bit they anaesthetist came and spoke to me and gave me all the necessary information and asked when the last time I ate or drank anything was, as I hadn’t eaten or drunk anything apart from water they decided to move the time forward to 1.30- 2. I took tablets that they gave me and they did all the prep before I would go into theatre. At just after 2pm I was taken to the theatre which was really different from what I imagined, it was a really calm relaxed environment but apparently I looked petrified!! They started to prep me but then a phone call came saying that there was an emergency in A & E so they had to stop and I was taken back to delivery. Luckily they weren’t gone for that long and about 3.30 they started again. The spinal being put in wasn’t that bad at all but then I was so used to getting prodded and poked as I was already having about 3 blood tests a day and was beginning to resemble a pin cushion! They made sure that I was numb raised the curtain and my Mum was bought in. I didn’t really know what was going on all I could hear was them chatting away very relaxed. I began to feel some tugging and at 15.58 Maisie-Rose was born, she was taken straight to the resuscitation table where she needed oxygen for a few minutes before she could breathe on her own, I was panicking as I had been told before if all was fine she would be bought straight to me but obviously they didn’t let me know anything till she was given the all clear. After what seemed like a life time they showed me a picture of her and then after a few minutes they bought her over, I was on so happy she was perfect I have never been so in love. The she opened her bladder all over my hair! After a little time they weighed her and put a nappy on her, she was taken next door and my Mum got to have her first cuddle. They stitched me up and sorted me out and them I was moved to join her where we had skin to skin and she had her first little feed. For the rest of the day I just cuddled her and fed her. Mu mum got her dressed at some point but she was skin to skin for the majority of the time I was in delivery. At about 10pm I was taken up to the ward, where Maisie slept for most of the night only waking for feeds which I had to have some help with as I was in quite a bit of pain and I had all the drips in etc.

Sunday 6th February

Spent the Morning with Maisie all snuggled in bed with me she is more perfect than I could have imagined. They then decided to remove my line and cafeter and let me get up J First thing I asked was if I could have a shower and they said yes! They helped me get out of bed and walk to the shower I bought Maisie and my Mum with me for moral support! I managed to get into the shower and I started to feel very feint so I told my mum to help me wash my hair which she did very quickly as I told her I was about to pass out ! Managed to get to the chair before I actually did, in my notes it says a rolled forward and my eyes went. I couldn’t hear what they were saying and was wheeled back into bed where I then didn’t want to move. They took my bp and it has sky rocketed and my temp so I was put back on the drip and had some more anti biotics. The rest of the days a bit of a blur with me struggling to get up to go to the toilet and lots of pain. Maisie fed with some help started filling some lovely nappies which I didn’t have to change as I still wasn’t at a very good sitting up stage. I had to have lots of help with feeding throughout the night sadly there was a very mean.

Monday 7th February

I’m so much better J can’t believe the difference I can actually get up move around and look after my little screamer. Yes during the night Maisie found her lungs and kept everyone awake. She’s looking forward to finally having visitors and in the afternoon we had lots.
Thank you, well midwife said having her turned is one option but I dont have to it can send you into labour so im going to just see what they say whey up all the options my hubby will be with me so we will see what hapens im going to try all tricks in the book till monday to try turn her but she seams pretty stuck in there! I hope she does x
Thanks Monkei that does put my mind at rest it seams pretty calm, how many weks were you when they did the c-section? x
Aww monkei.. like the story.. congrats x
we were talking about breach babies at my anti-natal they said the best way to get them to move on there own is to do the "doggy" like position with your forearms on the floor and move your hips in a figure of 8! its supposed to naturally release babies bum from the pelvis and encourage them to turn round! she said to do it every day for a good amount of hip rotations! she also said sitting up as straight as possible helps to keep them head down! hope it all works out for you either way :) x
Hope your scan goes well on Monday and that she decides to move before then :)
Don't let it ruin the end of your pregnancy though!
I too had an awkward baby who was breech...(birth story in labour & birth section) and I had him vaginally after being given the option whilst in labour....
However she comes out you will have a gorgeous baby after it :)
Aw hun sorry about your news
I think if I was in similar situation I'd just think I've got 2 weeks for her to move n then if she don't I'd have section, x x x I try not to worry to
Much as some times things r just taken out of our hands, x x n u never know she could flip yet it's not ur first n mw always say baby move a lot more on 2nd 3rd 4th pregnancy n some times only engage on day of labor, fingers crossed ur Lil princess gets her but in gear for u x x
Thank you everyone it really helps having u ladies to talk to I have to put on a brave face for everyone else even tho im absolutely 100% worried inside but on here feel like I can just say how I feel n theres allways lots of support. Your all like my fairy godmothers xxxxx
my baby was a missed breach, i went in to labour naturally and her foot was sticking out :( I ended up with a section as i felt the risk was to high to deliver normally. Had I known she was only 6lb 12 i might have considered it!

My section was really calm considering it was an emergency. I'd do it again.

Emma xx
I think so far looking at all options and risks I will probs go for c-section tbh the thought of turning just makes me cringe it hurt today when midwife was feeling the head! And giving birth to a breech baby knowing im going to need epidural, epesiotomy and probs forceps too to get her out there is no way I would put myself through that. I think c-sections seams to be the best option for me but ill listen to what the consultant says monday and make my mind up then x
Hi there! My little man was breech up until the other day. I found out he turned today at my appt. I felt a huge tugging and twisting going on. Someone told me that swimming helped. So, I started going to the pool everyday. Not sure if this helped, but it didn't hurt any. I really did not want another c-section so I tried it. Hopefully, the delivery will be fine either way. So, don't feel too badly. Just do what's best for you and your baby. Here's a link with some other ideas. Hope this helps.

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