Stews in hospital! update page 3


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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Ex was supposed to come round to see us tonight i was just wondering where he was and his phone was off..his nan just phoned me to say she had a phonecall from the hospital to say he is in there he collapsed at work, they are keeping him in but she said they didnt't say anymore so she will phone me when she knows more..i'm really worried because i dont know what it wrong etc..and i dont want to drag Hayden all the way there, they probably wont let us in anyway because of visiting hours etc..he went to the doctors yesterday because he said his face had gone numb, they told him his sinuses were swollen and putting pressure on his face they gave him antibiotics and he felt better and went to work!!

his mum was meant to be coming to see Hayden at 6 and she hasn't even turned up yet..i'm just sitting here worrying..maybe they rang her and shes gone there or something, i want to see him!!
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omg, can you not phone the hospital to find out how he is????

I hope he is ok hun...

Massive :hug:
I just realised i dont actually know what hospital he is in! i think it must be the one near his work..if they wouldnt talk to his nan about it then i don't think they will talk to me! i think his mum must be there because her phone is off and she was meant to be here at 6..she could have the decency to phone me...i bet she won't!!! god knows how long he has even been there he started work at 9 this morning..i can see i'm not gonna get any sleep tonight!! thanks for the hugs girls :hug: :hug: :hug:
time flies when your in hosi though hun, bet his mum ( if she is there ) feels like shes been there 5 mins and shes been there ages, sure she'll phone when she gets the chance, god though i bet its worse for you not knowing whats going on, that knowing hes in hospital !!!

Hopefully you'll find out soon that its nothing serious ! xxxxxxx :hug: :hug:
Hope he is ok and that you get some information about him soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank you. :hug: :hug: .i think the reason i am so worried is he has been telling me for a few weeks that he keeps on getting moments where he feels like he fell asleep for a second and i laughed and said he was narcleptic...i did tell him to go to the docs and he did they told him he was depressed and would like to give him antiDs and sign him off work for 2 weeks which he refused!! i wish i hadn't of shrugged it off so easily and let him refuse there help...what if he is really really ill??
Oh no hun!! I do hope he is going to be OK!

You know where I am if you need me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im not a million miles away and would be happy to mind Hay for a few hours if you need sometime.

Take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
fran - easier said than done hun, but try and stay calm. when you don't know whats going on in a situation your mind goes into overdrive :hug:

keep us updated sweetie :hug: xxx
oh - as to what hospital, if he went by ambulance they need to take you to the nearest hospital xx
sending you a massive hug hun, hope Stew is ok. Surely if you phoned the hospital and say thsat you are his son's mum they should tell you something.

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