the worse 2 days of my entire life

:hug: :hug: :hug:

What a frightening time...glad he seems to be on the mend
so sorry to hear what u have been through hun and hope b keeps g etting better :hug:
Aw no Sarah, I saw the thread where he was ill and I was gonna say get him to the docs asap but then I saw he had kept 5oz of water down so I figured he'd be on the mend!

Hope he's all better soon! :hug:
oh no!!! Sarah hun im sorry!!! i bet you were petrified, but you did the right thing and at least he is on the mend now!!! sending lots of hugs to you and Braydon babes :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry to hear that hun, I'll light a candle for him tonight and send lots of healing energy.

He's in the best hands now and sounds like he is on the mend, you just remember to take care of yourself so you can be strong for your little guy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
How frightening, I hope he is is well & truly on the way to a speedy recovery and will back to his normal self. Thinking of you both :hug:
Aww honey, how terrifying. I hope Braydon is well enough to come home soon. sending lots of hugs to you :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls
he is still not rite today, he has had 2 oz of water and his feet and hand are cold but still pink, he is still suffering from diorehea (spl) iv called the docs as i am freaking out over every lil thing and thye have sed if he isnt better at 2 to take him back im so scared for him i just want him to get better :cry:
oh god Sarah, i am so sorry, why did they send Braydon home?
pray hes better soon hun, heres a massive :hug: for you & Braydon.xxxxx
coz he had drank n eaten hed had 3 oz water and half bit of toast i really dont think he was ready to be home
I'm surprised they didn't keep him in at least an extra day just to monitor him.

I didn't realise his hands and feet were blue hun :hug: , I'm sure he'll be back to his normal self soon LO's seem to bounce back once they've got the help they need.

Also I'm gonna send you a pm as I experienced something simular (sort of) with callum when he was about 18 months old.

thanks suz
his feet were a lil blue but nutting to shout about but then tues from 10 mins of leaving home to getting to the docs they had gotten so blue so quickly thought his feet were gonna drop off
Bless him

In the pm I sent you thats how callums feet were on the thursday, but then on the monday they'd got really blue.

Awwww hun that must have been so scary! I really hope he's feeling better soon :hug:
Poor little man I hope he is well on the way to recovery now.
I can only imagine how you must have felt how terrifying!
Is he any better today?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls he is loads better today yest after his nap he was quite sick and wouldnt drink nemore so i made an appoinment at the docs but 5 mins we before he just started tlking and messing around and even last nite was playing with out dog

we still went to the docs tho and now on top of everything else he has an ear infection my poor Baby

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