Starting to worry about labour..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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I just had a nasty ole cramp, took my breath away. And thought.. holy crap, contractions are gonna be worse than that.. and im gonna have loads of them! I really want a natural birth.. but starting to think i wont be able to deal with the pain enough to do it. :(
The last few days, all I keep thinking is about the labour and whether i can handle it.
My Mum had a terrible time off things, and it runs in the family. She would have been very fit and healthy when she had me.
Ul b fine...r bodies r made for labour. I had my 1st baby when I was 16 and I managed fine...honestly ur body just takes over. I would rather have the labour than the 1st 4months of pregnancy lol x x
Hon, don't worry- that's what the drugs are for - I only have 3 things on my birth plan:

1. DH to cut cord
2. Minimal internal examinations
3. Epidural! :)
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Emma- I'm
with you on the first 4 months of pregnancy thing, I hated it and labour is quicker than 4 months haha.
Momma Kat-I'm scared too. I've never done it before, no idea what to expect and just scared it won't go well and there will be complications. It does really worry me too. I think we just have to be well
prepared like hospital bag all sorted way before 34 weeks and know that is packed properly, at least then you won't be paniking about stuff you may have forgotten. And just go with it! Who's going to be at your labour momma Kat? X
Do you have antenatal classes you can go to near you? If you do, then go. The midwife will talk you through what to expect, how to cope, different positons to go in, breathing techniques and the different types of pain relief which include non drug methods, such as Tens machine and going in the birthing pool, water is great for pain relief cuz it supports your uterus.It will help you prepare for the big day! If you feel you really cant cope then there is no shame in asking for drugs to help you. Ive seen many women in labour and everyone has coped in their own way. It truly amazes me how strong women are. You will be fine hun xxx
I would play it by ear Kat, have a basic plan like the girls said, of things you def want to happen, things that can be controlled, and then go with it for the rest , you really won't know what your pain threshold is till you get there , and then have what works for you at the time, or what sounds good, don't plan too far ahead , you will worry. (Easy for me to say , not having done labour), but I have been watching labours on channel 275 home and health and makes it all seem more normal to me
Annie - Yeah thats what the drugs are for, But half the point of the post was that i dont really want them cause of the side affects :p

Emma - Youre totally right, And thats what was driving me with a home birth. I know my body can do it, Its my head im worried about! Over thinking and panicing I think would be my downfall.

lexi - Still havent decided who is coming, but am gonna start getting together the hospital bag and stuff next week.

lelly - Yeah midwife said she would get me the info for the antenatal classes at my 28 week appt. I am very keen to do a water birth, but that will depend if its available when i go in.
Youll be fine! I started to get quite nervous at the end but honestly when you're'll just deal with it as it comes. In regards to pain relief, I say go in with an open mind. I wanted a natural birth but was open to an epidural. I had pathadine in the end (useless if you ask me) and that was it. Next time I dont think Id bother with pain relief. I got given gas and air right at the end and just handed it back to the midwife. You'll be so amazed at what your body can cope with afterwards :)
I keep adding stuff to my birth plan I have in my head lol

So far I have labouring in water if possible pleaseeeeee
No Epidural
No Student Midwives (cause I work at the hossie)
And only hubby present except for the midwife/s
It does make it a bit harder for us home birth people as it's difficult to predict what it's gonna be like! How far away from hospital are you Momma Kat if you change your mind last minute?
One of my friends had a bad stomach bug last week and told me some of the cramps she had with that were a lot worse than her labour cramps, and I've always suffered from IBS with some awful cramping, so that made me think I should be able to cope (haha, famous last words!). Seriously though, I think the only issue is that pregnancy cramps go on for so long in comparison and the worst thing must be not knowing how much longer you'll have to cope with them.

Although I could be talking out my bum here as I really have no clue, just trying to keep my own confidence up!!
It does make it a bit harder for us home birth people as it's difficult to predict what it's gonna be like! How far away from hospital are you Momma Kat if you change your mind last minute?
One of my friends had a bad stomach bug last week and told me some of the cramps she had with that were a lot worse than her labour cramps, and I've always suffered from IBS with some awful cramping, so that made me think I should be able to cope (haha, famous last words!). Seriously though, I think the only issue is that pregnancy cramps go on for so long in comparison and the worst thing must be not knowing how much longer you'll have to cope with them.

Although I could be talking out my bum here as I really have no clue, just trying to keep my own confidence up!!

Im not completely set on a home birth, My general plan is to see how i cope in early labour.. and make the decision before it is too overwhelming as im 40 minutes or so from the hospital. If I make the decision to stay at home.. then that will only change if theres a complication, rather than pain, which im hoping to be able to gauge at the time!
Try not to worry although I know it's easy saying that. Labour is more than just "pain" your body creates an adrenaline to help cope with it. And it's already been said but your body deals with it and a natural instinct kicks in. It will feel like your birthing rather than just pain as such.

I found labour more of a mental test than a physical one. I had to tell myself weeks before labour that I can do this and I managed on gas & air but it's nice to know there is pain relief if you want :)
Being a mum of two already I can say as far as labour goes omg soooo fuckin painful!! I'm not joking but however I had to go through labour 2x and my first labour ended in a section and I will say now I would rather have ten natural births than another csection!! Labour is the
Most painful thing I have ever :shock: bern through but the csection is long drawn out so I'm def up for
Another vbac and baby has to come out some way - crowing hurts!! I won't lie to ya but u will forget about
It when baby is in your arms crowin to me felt like someone had a lighter down there for a few mins then I had my baby boy! Yay! X

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Try and get hold of a copy of Ina May's Guide to Childbirth - its all about natural birth with no pain killers and has lots of great messages about how your body can cope with it and how the right mental attitude can help with dealing/coping with the pain. I found some of the stories a bit hippy for me but the underlying messages are just good common sense and it made me feel much more positive about aiming for a natural birth ( although lets wait until Dec to see if that actually pans out :) )
Ohh great tip consentrated on your breathing don't let anyone distract you this really does help my end crowing and birthing was 100% natural and I just had breathing and I dis it and my whole birthing of him was scilent x x

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