Last week in tri 2...starting to worry


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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So it's my last week in here before the final countdown to the birth of my son (what ever way he comes!)

I am really emotional and snappy though. Just sat and sobbed because my hubby was having a moan about housework and i yelled that i was trying my fucking best! I spent hours last night sorting out upstairs and de cluttering, my back in killing me and i am generally fed up! He didn say he wasn't having a go but i took it that way.

I am starting to dread having a newborn too. I know how much hard work a baby is and life can be pretty tough anyway with 3 kids, god knows how hard things will be with a new baby and little sleep!
I keep thinking that i won't cope very well, i worry about post natal depression too as i got that last time pretty bad. I am due to start training to be a nurse in september (baby will be 6 months) and i am thinking how will i cope working full time, studying and having my family to look after, plus a baby who will probably be teething!!

I feel so crap, everything bloody aches, i feel huge and ugly and pasty. My butt is getting huge too :moon:

I am so scared now i kinda wish i could run away from it all.
I know when my baby comes i will love him to bits (already do!) but i just feel so scared about the stress of having such a big family. I can't afford a new car and i now need a people carrier to fit all of us in. Plus we live in a tiny 2 bed house - housing association - thats 4 kids in one bedroom and we only have a kitchen hall, w.c and living room downstairs!!
We can't afford to buy or privately rent so social housing is our only choice and we live in a fab area, so would have to move somewhere crap if we even get offered a house!

sorry to rant on girls!
Aw Cixes :hug: I'm worrying about having 2 to cope with, so I have no idea how you must feel with 4 but I think we will just get on with it and do a fab job! :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I dont really know what to say other than most of the time things just work out even when it seems like it never will. Hold in there.

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