Starting again

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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In other news :lol:
My OH and I have decided that we will begin TTC again some time in the next two or three months. To that end I'm slimming. Again. It will stick this time though (or come unstuck LOL) because my Dad is remarrying in five weeks time and I intend to be slimmer than I am now!

So -

1 slice of Christmas cake = 1 half hour walk! etc

I'm gonna do it! *determined expression*

Wish us luck!!!

The best of luck to you on ttc and on slimming :pray: (I must do that!!)
good luck with the diet and TTC, Sue!


can I join you on the slimming front? We're planning to start TTC late Spring or whenever I manage to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. Unless I really start trying that's going to be never! Before Xmas I had a stone to lose, I dread to think what the figure is now but I'm going to start properly on Monday. (Trouble is I wasn't a good weight pre-pregnancy anyway but I know my limits and so my target is to be the same as before).

I'll do a ticker thingy on Monday after I've plucked up enough courage to go on the scales!

Hey Rosebay - of course you can! I've got to lose a lot more than 1 stone though - I am now 4.5 stone heavier than when I met my OH! :shock:

However I was too thin then I needed to put it on. I'm just under fourteen stone now, I want to get down to the elevens somewhere. My brothers g/f is the same, she and I have decided to have a weigh in every Sunday and send mobile pics of the scales to each other so we can't cheat! :rotfl:

In the middle of doing a major tidy before I go back to work after Christmas on Monday. On with the party! *L*


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