Start weaning 4 months or 6 months

Ella would chomp on her hand from about 4 weeks, she was just interested in them! Everything that I have read says that hand chomping is not a sign of readiness.

Mums and Mils are full of useful inf :fib: , don't be bullied into starting her before she's ready.
Thats what I thought, I thought it was more teething than hungry. She is a growing girl but really dont think she is ready for anything else.

I didnt start Kiara till 6 months but some babies are ready earlier , good luck
Every baby is different though. You'll know when he/she is ready. All my friends with babies said they struggled to wait until 6 months as they're babies were ready earlier than that.

Isaac is weaning at the moment and he's really taken to it so it's obviously the right time for him.

With regard to allergies, they say it's really only an issue if there is a strong history of allergies, asthma etc in the family. I'm staying off gluten products of course until he's past 6 months.
everything i have read says to not give a baby anything containing gluten before 6 months as this is the major thing there digestive system cannot break down as it is not mature enough yet! so if you do start weaning at 4 months you should start by pureeing fruit and veg..and avoiding rusks and things with gluten in...pasta etc! thats in the birth to 5 book given out by the HV and also in my other books!

heres a good website! ... troducing/
i started eva at four months cos she is formula fed, was sick alot and was a bad sleeper (hungry through night). Solids helped alot with her sickness and sleeping.

every baby is different so i thin you just need to discuss it with your HV and get their advise if you are worried

i went to a weaning party which was quite helpful x
Hi Evadel

Just reading through the forums and I saw this thread (I replied earlier to it) but I met up with a friend this week who has an 18 wk old baby boy and so I thought I'd tell you about him! He is constantly knawing his hands and so my friend has started weaning him this week as she thought this was the sign he was ready for solids (he has always woken once/twice in the night for a bottle and doesn't display any of the other signs that he is ready, e.g his weight is still going up and he doesn't drink all his milk intake for the day). Anyway he can't swallow the food because he still has his tongue-thrust reflex! My friend has kept feeding him this week thinking he will soon get used to the food but after talking to her today she is going to leave it for a few weeks because he cannot physically eat the food because his body isn't ready (babies lose the tongue thrust reflex before 6 months of age).

Not sure if I've helped at all but I guess what I was saying is that even if you think the baby is ready and your try her with solids she might not be able to actually eat any of it.

Hope you and your little one are well

I too was'nt sure weather or not to wean Mia yet.....but since chewing on her hands for 3 weeks, showing interest in what we are eating and being top of the weight band....we decided to give it a go today.

We had a lot of sucess, Mia had baby rice at lunchtime today and loved it and wanted more, she kept opening her mouth for more and cried when she finished the very small amount that was recommended in te book.

As it's early days, not sure if we should increase the amount tomorrow?? (1 Teaspoon of baby rice mixed with 1 Tablespoon of breast milk)

Amy xx
Personally I wouldn't increase the amount yet, these first few weeks are supposed to be more about getting them used to the new texture than about filling them up. I know it's tempting though, Brody loved baby rice when he first had it!
3 hvs advised me to start giving harry baby rice at 7 weeks as he was drinking a 8 oz bottle every 2 hours and wouldnt have a dummy or anything,he would be awake constantly hungry in the night,after a week of having baby rice he was sleeping all night, every baby is different and harry was 9lb 7 two weeks early and would put weight on really quickly before he was given rice,at 4 mths old he was 22lb :oops: but i did only keep him on purreed veg and baby rice till he was 6 mths old and didnt want to introduce heavy foods due to his weight.

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