4 months or 6 months????

I have no clue, am going to my booby class tomorrow (my breastfeeding training course) so will ask then. I know she is capable of getting to sleep on her own as the other night she was wide awake and I went downstairs to read and when I came back up she was flat out but then she always wakes up around 12-2 wanting milk.
OOOooo let me know what they say, Id be interested to see what they say.

rosieroo said:
That's some really good info Beanie - I agree that it's hard to know what to do sometimes. For me, BLW is the way forward. As much as I am tempted to let Ella try 'strawberry cheesecake in a tin' because it sounds nice, I know that it's not the best thing to do or the recommended thing to do. If food manufacturers stopped putting 'from 4 months' on their food then I'm sure there wouldn't be as much confusion. Neither would there be if there was consistent info given by all HVs!

I agree with this too. I won't be giving Oscar anything out of a jar, simply because the stuff that's available here, is vile!! I've bought organic veggies and fruit to cook and freeze. Oscar is no good with the baby led weaning, as his got teeth and rips everything to shreds without the knack or know-how of chewing and swollowing.

I gave him a little rice and some cereal a few weeks back. He loved it, but I wouldn't say he's weaned yet... he is interested, but I am holding back.

I agree that it'll help if all the HV's went to the same school and give everyone the same info. Clearly, everyone is very confused!

Emilia xx

My HV told me aswell that if Isaac wakes in the night before 6 months old just give him more milk as its not always a sign of needing solids. Makes you wonder how we all came to eat in the first place doesn't it!? Think when we were little it was a rusk in your bottle and carrot stick to chew on and toast as finger food!

Jarrods mum says he was eating steak puddings at 4 months old lol

Oh and you won't believe this. My sister has a disabled son. He has medication for seizures so every so often he has to be weighed to make sure the dosage is sufficient. Anyway she took him to be weighed a couple of weeks ago and the consultant said he hadn't gained enough weight since his last check up for his age (he is 9) and she told my sister to fatten him up on MacDonalds!!! How disgusting is that!

I have no faith in our health service atall. Too much is based on opinion and not fact.

Lou :)

Lou :)
well i had matthew weighed today he is now 15lb 9oz at 16 1/2 weeks. Told the HV he has been getting me up twice in the night for the past week when it used to be once and he actually started sleeping thru so have decided to move him onto the sma white and see how that goes she did mention the whole 6 month age again which is fine but she also said it will vary and if you have tried everything else then they might advise earlier weaning. Hope the milk works and i get more sleep!!!
Rooander - Ella has been waking at 4am for the past couple of nights too, 3 nights ago she was up at 5am. Before that it was 6am, used to be 7 and 8am!! Mind you she has been going down earlier (between 7 and 7.30pm) and I haven't changed the amount of EBM she has for weeks as she takes 12oz already before she goes to bed. Don't think I could express much more than that for her!!
Hi there RosieRoo, well last night we were back to normal she slept right through again but boy is she hungrey lately. Im wondering if shes having a growth spurt. She had two bottles of formula today because I just had limp boobs ( you know what i mean :D ). She can only handle 4oz at a time but still I was shocked when she had two lots.

Same with Ella last night Roo - bed at 7.30pm, up at 6.30am (for an hour, had a feed, change, play and feed then back down, is asleep at the moment).
Not sure what tonight will bring, but it was nice waking up and it being light this morning instead of 4am darkness!!
Yay another quiet night last night!!! Im hoping shes back to normal now so fingers crossed. How did Ella go? They must be in cinq!!!!

Better last night (as above). Not sure whether she'll be good again tonight or not :?
we started Lydia a couple of days before she was 6 months. Just with baby rice for the first 3 or 4 days, and then more interesting foods. Now she eats just about anything as long as it's fairly mushy (although she can handle a few squishy lumps like pasta).
Hiya, sorry havent been on for a while my internet connection went pants and now Im on dial up which is a right bummer.
I had Ruby weighed last week and after all that wanting more milk business she'd put on 6oz in 2 weeks, even the HV was surprised.
Shes now alot more content and still sleeping through.

Rebecca was 13weeks when I weaned her!! She is now 17weeks and thriving..Each to their ownxx

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