Spotting...Its not always bad news :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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I know lots of ladies on here worry about spotting/bleeding...I was one of them until today and wanted to share my experience in the hope that it eases some of your anxiety if you are one of those ladies.

I have been experiencing spotting for about 4 days and it seemed to get heavier so after being told by out of hours doctor that it sounded like I was having a miscarriage but to go to A&E to check...of I trotted to hospital preparing myself for the worst.

I arrived, did urine sample, blood test and they sent me off for a scan right then and there (I love the NHS, I know not eveyone is as lucky as I was t oday)...long story short...I saw my baby AND its heartbeat! Doc said risk of miscarriage is now significantly reduced, all is as it should be, measurement was right for the stage of pregnancy and my pregnancy was classed as viable with a 90%+ chance of success.

This has eased my worry more than I can explain, I know how terrifying it can be to think there is something wrong but what I hope to get across by writing this is that spotting or bleeding should always be checked out but it doesnt ALWAYS mean disaster.

Thanks spinneygirl, Im thrilled all is ok but really wanted to try and put others at ease too cos its a worry!

Whooop! Baby is ok!

That's great news! I bet you were soo relieved!:)

That's fab!!

Maybe this thread could be kept as a sticky or something because spotting/bleeding is very common in tri 1, its probably one of the most asked about concerns. X

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Pleased to hear all is well. Jay that's a good idea, would be good to have so that other women can read rather than googling xx
excellent news!!! so glad you got a scan too. x
aw so glad to here this :) it's amazing seeing your baby for the first time isn't it , I get to see mine on 17th feb x
brilliant story i went though something similar at 6 weeks x
Thanks all, it was amazing to see baby (or rather blob at this stage!), and such an amazing relief after worrying for days.

Its so common in early pregnancy to experience bleeding or spotting and I speak from experience when I say 'I know how terrifying it is' but it is so important to know that it doesnt always end in disaster.

Im not for one minute sitting here saying 'oh its never anything to worry about' because we know that some women arent so lucky but I am convinced that my worry contributed towards my bleeding as today (after yesterday's good news) I have had very little to speak of, almost nothing...what I am trying to say is try not to automatically think the worst and get it checked out!

Dont know how to make thread a sticky as per the suggestion by Jayjay...any ideas?

Wonderful news Sazzle, and its help me put my mind at rest a little! Roll on Thursday till my scan!

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