Spotting - I am so scared TMI


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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OMG - I have wiped at about 7 pm and saw blood. I have been checking since and I have had a bit of spotting. I was told that my placenta is low but I shouldn't worry about it. Well, I googled it the other day and they said that bleeding is possible. I don't know what to do..I hope it's just placenta playing with me and it will go away.. I might wait until morning and see if it stops. I hope nothing bad is happening. Please pray for me :hug:
Hopefully it is just due to your low lying placenta hun. If you are scared tonight then pop down to A&E and get a doctor to reassure you :hug:
im sure it is due to the low lying placenta hun, but if your going to be up all night worrying(as we do) then id go to A&E just to put your mind at rest, :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
We have just used our doppler and heard the hearbeat. I hope this was just a one off. I can't go sleep and will check for spotting in 2 hours. If it persists, I am going to A & E.
petra hows things this morning hun? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The first thing that came to my mind was your low lying placenta!
I hope your ok hun!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: thank you all for asking :hug: :hug: :hug: The spotting stopped over night and I am feeling ok. I spoke to my friend this morning and she told me to go to A & E to get checked anyway. We went there and they sent me to the labour ward. The midwife and doctor were very nice but had to leave twice to assist labour so it took over three hours until all the check ups were done. They asked lots of questions, listened to the baby's heartbeat and checked internally if my cervix is closed. Everything was ok and they said to keep an eye on things and come back if I have pain or spotting again. I hope it was just a one off and everything will be fine.
Thank you so much for your support. :hug:
I'm so glad everythings ok and that you got a thourgh checkup at the hospital. You must be so relieved. :hug:
:wave: im praying for you hun i know how worrying it is to see spotting, glad all is well :hug:
:wave: thank you for your messages. I have slept for three hours and am feeling much better. xxxxxxxx

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