Spotting for a week before AF due


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
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Hi all

Firstly apologies for a long post.

I have been ttc for 4 months now, I came off the pill in Dec 06. My periods have always been regular (28/29 days).

For the last 3 months I have had spotting for 6 days before my AF. I started off as pink mucus when I wipe for a day then turned to brown which I have to wear a panty liner for. It isn't heavy but is fairly constant.

I have mentioned this to gyno last month and was told 'its just your periods changing'. However this is abnormal for me, I have always been regular and consistent. Has anyone else experienced this? Or know what can be causing it?

I have been charting two months and have discovered my luteal phase is only 11 days (not counting spotting - with spotting 5days). I have been searching the internet and I have read that this spotting is the uterine lining shedding away irregularly.

So I am wondering can a baby implant when my lining is already shedding?

If anyone can help, please do as I am obsessing about this big time and cant stop goggling!! lol.

I have a very similar problem. I get spotting for about 10 days before period starts. Like you can be anything from a tinge of pink to brown and also for me to red. This has been going on for about 4 years now. Started whilst on the pill - ultrasound all ok so doc said it was just one of those things that might go away on its own. Instead it got gradually worse and didn't get any better when i stopped taking the pill and started trying to get pregnant.

I have all the same concerns as you. Everyone keeps reassuring me that its all fine but can't give me an explanation of what's actually going on!! It's true though that things can take a while to settle down after stopping the pill so maybe things will get back to normal for you after another couple of cycles.

I'm really sorry - reading this back it's not much help or very reassuring which it was meant to be :oops: I just wanted you to know that you are not alone! :hug:

maybe we'll get an explanation day - or even better a baby!!
Lou x
Howdee :wave:
I am exactly the same, the last two months i starting spotting a week before AF and it happened this month too. Af was arriving dead on day 28 and this month day 26, i'm never ever early but i experienced some scary discharge (sorry tmi) yesterday and was worried in case its another very early miscarraige (i have a suspected one last april but that early doc couldnt confirm) I am going to mention tomorrow at the hospital when i go for my day 2 blood tests and see what they say xx
When I started TTC 2nd time around, I too had several days of spotting before my period.

It was abnormal for me and only started when we were TTC.

I went to the docs who weren't particularly helpful and said it would not affect my chances of conceiving.

Lo and behold the following month I got my BFP.
I spot all the time and got a BFP too :wink:
I start spotting around CD21 too but my doc isn't concerned either
Howdy :wave:
AF got me two days early this month, im never early :x . Went and had my day 2 blood tests done so things should start to happen at my next consultants appointment in june :) xx

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