spotting and monitoring


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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I had a scare today! When I went to the loo earlier found blood spot on my underwear and then on the paper when I wiped! I called the midwife and had to spend 45 mins on the monitor at the hospital. Thank god all seems ok, but I have to spend the rest of the day lying down and keep checking for bleeding. Scary!! She couldn't tell me why there was bleeding either.

have you dtd at all?? it could be something simple like your cervix being irratated
Hugs, I'm glad all was ok at the hospital!
Rest up today.

Not for days. It is most likely something like that. Scared me so much!! I don't want to see or have anything different going on down there for 11 weeks or so!!

hope it doesnt happen again its not nice when scary stuff crops up is it :( :hugs:
sorry to be tmi but do you have piles?? as they can bleed even more so when preggers and iff you wipe your tooshie it will show on the tissuse its happened to me hun!
Lol, no it wasn't from my rear end! I don't actually have piles...yet (hope I don't get them). It was a few red spots in my CM. Still seems to be ok at the moment - presumably just a bit of sensitivity or something. Blood vessel near the surface or something like that.

I know when I was spotting at 28 weeks they said to me they wouldn't really be worried if it wasn't for my low placenta as spotting is very common at this stage of pregnancy.....always best to get checked out though and glad everything is ok xx
One of the first things they asked was the position of the placenta. Fortunatly mine isn't low lying. The midwife said she wasn't overly concerned - didnt half scare me though!! There hasn't been anything since so fingers crossed all will be ok now!

yeah glad ur ok Flopsy, only a few weeks to go and you wont have to worry anymore! x

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