

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi Guys,

Well on sat was getting ready to go out for my hairdressers appt, went to the toliet and there was literally 1 spot of blood in my underwear. :shock:
I didn't have any pain and nothing when i wiped.
Since then i have kept an eye out but i haven't had any other bleeding / spotting and still nothing when i wipe (thankfully).

Has anyone had this before? I have read it is common to spot in early pg but i still worry.
DH says that as it was just 1 little spot it's probably nothing to worry about - what do you think?

It's very possible considering your so early into your pregnancy that it's mearly implantation bleeding. Spotting is very common in early pregnancy and usually nothing to worry about especially if it was a darker colour or brown as it would indicate even more so that it was implantation bleeding, i.e. older blood. If you get anymore a visit to the GP wouldn't go a miss but honestly I think your just fine! :hug:

Sounds like its probaby just an implantation bleed, but if you are worried maybe just give your doctor a call to put your mind at rest.

Congrats on your BFP by the way!
Hi Nicola, thanks for your reply. I'm sure you are right, as this is my first pg i can't help but worry about every little thing!

Thanks again.
After much googling and freaking myself out i have found this:

I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my first pregnancy. I went to the bathroom yesterday and found a spot of blood in my underwear. I called the doctor and the nurse told me that if I'm miscarrying then there isn't anything that they can do about it. I'm really scared. What can I do?

A. Spotting in early pregnancy can be very normal. Up to 30-40% of women will spot in pregnancy, and 60% of those women will have healthy, normal pregnancies. Usually the more blood, or the longer the bleeding lasts the more likely you are to miscarry. In your case, you had one spot of blood, which, so far, hasn't returned. This is a good sign. You may be experiencing implantation bleeding. This is where the egg is burrowing into the uterus and a drop or two of blood, sometimes enough to be mistaken for a light period, is shed. This is not a problem. Good luck!

Right, am going to stop worrying about it now. Thanks for the replies peeps. xx
i had loads of bleeding up to 13 weeks hun and baby was fine so try not to worry
Bexter :hug: you poor thing no wonder you got a nasty surprise. Sounds like you'll be fine though.

Nice one on the research I'll be glad I read that if it happens to me.

also, could it have been blood from elsewhere?

I know that with the toilet problems that come with pregnancy, it's quite normal to have a bit of soreness in other areas if you know what I mean!

Also, if you're anything like me, you're probalby wiping quite hard every time you go to the loo and inspecting every bit of toilet paper. So you could have damged the skin on the outside a bit?

Just some suggestions.
i had this and everything turned out fine, i did go to the epau as i have had a previous miscarraige but everything was fine and i have had no bleeding since and i am 36+3 now.

everything sounds fine

Ah, thanks very much marchmama.
Did they tell you the reason or was it just "one of those things?"

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