Spotting and Mild Cramping - Implantation?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
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last period - 17th - 22nd jan

unprotected sex - 30/31st jan (13/14 days after begining of last period)

today 4th feb i am getting light bleeding and a slight cramp,im usually on about a 40 day cycle so im not due my period for a while.

could this be implantation bleeding?
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Hi hon - it's possible that this is implantation bleeding, but strikes me as a little early. Normally implantation occurs 6 - 10 days after ovulation, but it is possible that you had an early implantation... I would give it at least another 5 - 6 days until you test, but as you're cycle is so long, the closer you are to your period before you test, the better... Hope this helps and bit and good luck :) xx
it is 6 days since i had unprotected sex... i didnt think it was tat early.
Yeah, fair enough, I think I miscounted! 6 days sounds about right then :) Hope it's your month then - when do you think you're gonna test? xx
no sure if im honest, im still bleeding mildly and still have cramping, so it could be my period come early. im not due till the end of the month though. seems really early.
Well, if your cycle normally lasts 40 days, it does sound a bit early - are you regular? xx
i am normally pretty regular, i have been charting myself for a while now, im only on CD20 out of 40.

and it came on differently, everything about it feels different, but i get a spot breakout like with a period and a bad mood which i have just before a period aswell. it's all a bit confusing.
I had some funny twinges the month I got my BFP and I think it was implantation and bean getting snuggly, didn't have any bleeding though.

FX for you hun

I guess you could have a very long luteal phase, but I agree it is very confusing! Wish I had more answers for you hon, but all you can really do it wait at the moment - fx for you xxx
If its implantation bleeding then my gynae sadi you should be able to get a positive preg test within 48 hours. So in two days time you should have the answer!! x
i've just checked my bleeding, its seems mostly old blood, and isnt even enough to fill a regular tampon a day there is some lighter red blood but not enough for what my period should be, it also seems to be mixed with a clear CM. if it was my regular period i would be filling an xtra large tampon every 4 hours by now.

also had nose bleeds from both nostrils last night and was so hot i thought i would have to slep in the snow outside.
progesterone can cause nose bleeds. Have you tested? It would most likely be positive by now if you are preggo x
i tested yesterday and it was negative. its been 9 days since i had unprotected sex.
ahh, plenty of time for a BFP yet then x
i dont know, on the first day of bleeding it was about a table spoon of blood, then just brown like the end of a period.

it lasted for 3 days, i dont feel pregnant.

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