

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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For the past 4 weeks, I've found myself having the worst outbreak of spots...EVER!! :(

Seriously they are everywhere, all over my back, shoulders, chest, face and neck!! :oops:

I put it down to hormones, as I've been eating well and drinking just as normal, but was hoping the doctor could help out...but yesterday all she said was 'It should calm down after birth' :evil:

Anyone got any good advice on what I can do?! Have tried using tea tree soap but it just dries my skin out and the spots don't differ! :(
I have had some spots on my back :( But fortunately my face has been quite clear.

The sun has helped my back spots, as has using one of those body brush things to exfoliate.

Perhaps increasing your fluid consumption might help, although weeing more will be the obvious side effect.

Hmm that sucks that your doc couldn't suggest anything :hug:
Mildly said:
I have had some spots on my back :( But fortunately my face has been quite clear.

The sun has helped my back spots, as has using one of those body brush things to exfoliate.

Perhaps increasing your fluid consumption might help, although weeing more will be the obvious side effect.

Hmm that sucks that your doc couldn't suggest anything :hug:
Thanks hoping for some sun over bank hols to try that! It usually works for OH. Just have to find a quiet spot on the beach first to hide my spottyness :oops:

Have tried the exfoliating brush each day already but hasn't changed anything. :(

She wasn't my usual doctor, and had a whole list of things, which she just said she could do nothing about until 'after birth' :wall:
i've become a spotty teenager! I also have them all over my chest and back but also on my chin too :(
No advice to give I'm afraid, just hoping that your doctor is right cos i don't think I can stand being like this for much longer!
handbagqueen said:
i've become a spotty teenager! I also have them all over my chest and back but also on my chin too :(
No advice to give I'm afraid, just hoping that your doctor is right cos i don't think I can stand being like this for much longer!

Aww I feel your pain!! :hug:

My spots were never even this bad when I was in my teens! I would just have one awful one (usually on the end of my nose or somewhere equally as embaressing! :roll: )

My chin is bad too :think: And my forehead which I never had before and never even use make up there

Ahh poop for us!! :hug:
Oooh had another thought, I used to have spots on my back when a teen and I used to use this body mud mask which helped a bit. I think it was from the boots spa range although I have no idea whether that still exists :think:

I always thought what with the 'blooming' myth, that pregnancy was a glamourous time! How wrong I was :lol:
arrgghhh I feel your pain. My chin looks like a pizza!

anyways Iv found something that calms them brilliantly...........

Simple face wash - FOR MEN!

Its brilliant really helps my skin and gives me a nice tingly feeling on my face after :wink:

let me know if it works for you xx
natalies said:
arrgghhh I feel your pain. My chin looks like a pizza!

anyways Iv found something that calms them brilliantly...........

Simple face wash - FOR MEN!

Its brilliant really helps my skin and gives me a nice tingly feeling on my face after :wink:

let me know if it works for you xx

Oooh thanks for the tip, you too mildly!! I'll hunt both those down and give them a try!! :)

If I've got to be fat and waddly I want to at least look nice in some areas!
i feel the same, infact posted a Acne page if health and beauty, and on here few times..

i have acne.. i never had bad skin before pregnancy, but since 7weeks, its just been really bad.

on bk, and face, and arms at top :(

its hormones and not alot you can do, (so i've been told on both visits to doctor) and it'll clear up once you've had your baby(or so its should)

i tried Pan Oxyl.. it burns your face off!! but helps a little bit once the burning stops..

but in all fairness, just using simple products has helped to, DONT USE CLINIQE.. i cant spell, but it made mine sooo much worse!!

simple fash wash, warm water..

AND SPLASH YOUR FACE WITH COLD WATER AFTER, always do that to close you pores..

hope it goes for you hun, i know how upsettin it can be xxx
iv got a spotty hairline and its horrible ! dno what it is im doing everything exactly the same as normal :S Tea tree oil works good, so does Original Source shampoo in mint and teatree, but if i use it too often it dries all my hair out ! Cant win lol
I got Simple face wash too Im going to get some more of there stuff when I have money because its really good. I just picked it up out of cheapness! I used to get little grease spots under the skin on my nose they cleared up when I got to about 13 but I can see them all there again its nothing that you can really see unless you look really close but I know they are there and its annoying!
blooming!!!!! my arse i'm with you girls on it being a myth.

Tea tree oil in your bath might help, i put it in my bath as it seems to prevent thrush attacks and is generally good for your skin
Luckily my spots are staying well away from my fact my face is probably the best it's ever been!! my skin looks even (probably down to getting a bit of sun on it recently) and it's so lovely and soft with not a hint of a spot and I'm loving it.

My hairline, forehead and chest on the other hand are a nightmare!! Luckily I have a fringe so luckily the ones on my forehead and hairline are hidden but the ones on my chest are a pain in the bum. I've never had spots on my chest before now and it's not like it's winter and I can wear polar neck jumpers or anything to keep them covered :x

I like using Olay daily facial wipes to keep the spots off my face. I only use them a couple of times a week but they work wonders for me and the exfoliating side of the sheet keeps my skin softer too.
Mine has been quite spotty also and the best remedy I have found without using any chemicals etc is to get teaspoon of lemon juice (fresh lemon), bit of honey and teaspoon of yoghurt. Mix it up together and put it on as a facemask.

Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash off as usual, I usually just jump in the shower...cleanse and tone as you would...but put sunscreen on or cream with SPF factor in it because using lemon and then going straight out in the sun can make the skin a little I ask myself - but do we see the sun? hmm..

I used this for 1 week and my spots disappeard - I had plenty since week 12 of pregnancy but luckily have been spot free - I still use the facemask even when no spots coz it really does make skin soft and supple..

hope this helps but above all hope this works for you!
Thanks for all the tips ladies! :)

Now I have an excuse to pamper myself over the bank hol weekend! hehe!
i have the same all over. most of them tiny under the skin but really annoying. I've been using sudacream on my face and found it helps (my regular spot stuff which cleared my skin last year can't be used in preg) so i think i'm going to start using on my body as well! can't think what else to do, it drives me mad!

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