

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Grr this baby's making me spotty, I've NEVER had more than about two spots at a time, I've got about 10 at the mo, all big and on my face!

Anyone else suffering?
Oh my god hun..tell me about it!!

I have had ACNE since I found out I was pregnant, I admit it was better than it was in the first trimester but its still bad considering im a beauty therapist and I look after my skin so well..not a good advert but then I cant do anything about hormones!! You may be having a boy if you got lots of spots like me :wink:

Mine are mostly on my chin now, they started off on my forehead but are now all round by my mouth its minging. I go through so much concealer its unbelievable. And, boy, do they hurt and they are so pusy its gross. :puke:

I just give myself a regular facial each week to try and combat the redness and keep the rest of my skin hydrated and obviously try not to pick :|
im the smae :(

ALL over my chin is terrible!!!
I had them really bad too untill recently. I have been using Dove soap to wash my face with and it works a treat, doesnt dry your skin out either!
Oooooh you naughty girl shouldnt ever use soap on your face! Im really suprised it doesnt dry your skin out either!
i always use dove as i find its the kindest, try to avoid all these harsh *DESPOT IN 1 HOUR* treatments.. lol

still spotty tho :(

just all the hormones i think :(
*runs from jade*

i take it all abck i dont use dove on my face.. :fib:
I was v spotty, but they've mainly cleared up now, although I have recently developed foliculitus on my legs. I'm looking beautifiul as you might imagine....
Me too :( and horrible dry skin everywhere except my face which is greasy is nice though!
gingerpig said:
I was v spotty, but they've mainly cleared up now, although I have recently developed foliculitus on my legs. I'm looking beautifiul as you might imagine....

it'll all be worth it in the end :D
I've found Dove makes my skin softer, i've used other soaps before and they have all dryed my skin out but Dove is my saviour :lol: spot free & smells lurvely!
Im not going to lecture you dont worry the end of the day its your choice what you put on your face! :D
god ive got more spots than anything :puke: ive even got them on my back :puke:

the docs wouldnt help me :(
I've got loads of spots on my back.. and my wedding dress is strapless *cries* help x
have u thought about gettin some of that body foundation? get a mate to do it for ya..
oo i guess that might be worth at try, at the moment ive been putting my facial scrub on my back lol x
i was considering some sort of wrap, but i cant find one :(
have a look in debenhams or accessorize.. try bridal shops too, might be a bit pricey tho, or even ebay!
im going shopping on friday, so gonna look in debenhams and accessorize then, coz im going to norwich, i dont have any decent shops in lowestoft where i live, so i need to go further afield. my bridal shop doesnt seem to have any, and couldnt find anything on ebay. but hopefully find something friday x

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