spots, sore boobs ,heartburn and constipation !!

I've been feeling sick the past few hours..I keep gettin the feeling I'm going's horrible! Also had the taste of blood in my mouth n my top gum was bleeding..very strange!
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i have heartburn today to just seem to get it after i eat strange i also have just been the loo and got thin but white cm tmi sorry
Oooohhh im getin excited for us all lol xx
As I had to go to the shop today I caved and bought a test while I was there :/ going to try and be good and not use it yet though.
i still have my fx for you all sorry i didnt wait ladies xx
It's ok, you got a bfp so it was totally worth it. I'm so happy for you x
its ok tianna just soo glad you got your bfp , coz if you test i hope you get your bfp , ive got a weird wet feeling down below keep thinking af has arrived but nope just a bit of cm fx its a good sign xx
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all yur symptoms sound fab i hope you all get a bfp we have had a few already this month lets keep it up ladies xxx
im sooo tempted to test but really want to wait a bit longer fx crossed for us all xx
Think I tempted fate by getting ready to test, getting af type cramps now :(
I'm desperate to test but I'm not..promised I wouldn't test til the wkend. Trying to keep busy by going out so I can't test lol x
Good idea, it'll soon be the weekend though so you only have be strong for couple of days x
fx its not af showing up i really need to g out but i just know im going to end up buying a test , i really hate this waiting game im sooo impatient lol xx
This tww is really dragging. These cramps have really bummed me out, feel like I'm just waiting for the inevitable af now. Note to self, don't read into odd aches and twinges next month. Fx you girls get bfps too, I could do with something to cheer me up x
Im losing abit of hope ive got that feeling u know when u just know af is gunna turn up xx
I do know that feeling but I've still got everything crossed she stays away x
Cramps and spotting started now so I'm out. Very bummed xx
I've been out all day so not really been thinking abt it..until now lol. Went to the toilet n my cm is kinda yellowish..anyone know anything abt this?x

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