spots, sore boobs ,heartburn and constipation !!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2012
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yep ive got the lot so much for not ss this month i dont even know if we dtd at the right time i didnt opk this month didnt dtd to command just dtd when we felt like it so knowing my luck we probs missed ov completley . oh boy my boobs are sore not a usual af symptom but we all know how af symptoms can change every month , heartburn all day yest started after my brekkie toast with cheese spread never caused me heartburn before , spots im blooming covered lol i usually get one before af ive got about 5 great lol and to top it off i carnt poo :wall2: oh and just cos my body thinks thats not enough really looking forward to my tea last night jacket spud and tuna yum yum it made me feel sick i had to force it down and really didnt think it was going to stay down .. oh the joys of the 2ww i dont know exactly what dpo i am al i know is af is due next tues . sorry for the long post but i needed to let it all out lol , hows everyone else feeling xxx
well done for not ss lol i am also due next tue wed and im 9dpo today i have had loads of spots the last few days and yesterday and today my boobs hurt not my nipples like when i ov or af is due never had this before. My skin is oily too but of course im ss lol
yep my boobs are the same not my nipples its inside my boobs and the sides hard to explain without sounding a looney lol just blooming ache and sore and ohhh i hate the 2ww lol lets hope these are good signs xx
me to the last week is the worst cause u know u could test now really but dont want to get bnf its nice to have hope for a bit longer hey when are testing hun
oh i soooo want to poas but it sounds daft id rather see af arrive than a bfn so im really going to hold off testing if i can but if af not here by wed then i will test , saying that i said i wouldnt ss but i have so who knows lol , are you going to test xx
well was going to try and wait till wed to and yes i would rather af than a bfn silly i no lol i did think about peeing on a ov stick just to get rid of the urge as they say they can pick it up but i dont know arrrgg 2nd w of the 2ww is madness
yep it really is madness , yep opks are known for picking up the hormone but knowing me i would see a faint line and go raid tescos for all the pg tests lol , my hubby was laughin at me bcos i said the next 2ww im locking myself in a dark cupboard and not coming out till i get a bfp or af lol xx
I wasn't going to ss this month but I've found it hard to ignore some symptoms this time. I find I'm better at dealing with af turning up than a bfn (which is why dh has stopped me buying tests untill I'm late lol). This week is going so slow, af due sat/sun and these last few days of waiting are driving me nuts x
ohhh the last few days are horrible i think you end up over analizing every little pain ,twinge, i did have frer in but to stop me testin early i peed on it 2 weeks ago lol xx
Haha that made me chuckle. My dh is away this week which means I have the car and I'm now trying hard to fight the urge to go to the shops and get a sneaky test (while the cats away lol) but I know if I do I'll regret it so just have to sit it out x
see thats my problem i do the shopping so always in tescos and because my ds has weing problems hes still in nappies bless him hes 6 it means i have to go on the baby aisle where at the bottom is the dreaded shelf of tests lol i practically run past them lol i must look a right looney haha xx
we should all test together so it makes us wait
ok what day shall we go for im good for tue next week
Good for me too, I'd be late then so falls into hubby's rules lol
fab and im due either sun or wed so i will be late or if not it should pick up any way as tue i will 16dpo excited now
I'm due af on sat so if no af il be testing sat or sun..don't think I could wait til Tuesday..I'm struggling as it is lol x
thats why we are doing together so that we dont test to early try and sit it out sarah it might be worth it hun

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