spoon feeding question...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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so how you do it????

just wait for them to open their mouth and unload the spoon in there lol? i suppose they cant get it with their tongue or lips from the spoon.

she is 3 months old so she will probably not ven open her mouth unless she wants to shove her fists in... (get over the idea that she is too young, i dont want to wean her either, thats not the point of the thread and its her doctors orders so no arguments here please, and its not actually weaning, we just try to persuade her to take more milk like that...)
When Grace was that age I would give her a plastic spoon to play with and practise feeding her 'air' on the spoon
I always showed her what to do then went to feed her with the spoon and opening my mouth at the same time, they learn by mimicking

Now at 14 months my hubby still opens his mouth if he's giving her a spoonful of anything lol

Mummy to Gracie 26/10/11
thats a good idea :) thank you so much, going to do that. dreading it dosent even describe it. cheeky monkey couldnt just drink her milk????
Hun, not doubting your doctor but is something wrong with her ie not many wet/dirty nappies etc or is she just taking less milk? My friends baby droppes a centile when he was teething and they kept telling her to feed him butvhe wouldnt take top ups

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Btw do you have a doidy cup?

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
knop she is not just taking less she is taking like the 1/4 of the minimal for her weight and that is goign on for the past 4-5 weeks...its a constant battle and the idea of spoon feeding is to spoon feed her actually milk with a little apple taste not to wean her from her milk. the days that she is drinking ok she is not even going to get that extra spoon feed. if she dosent take the spoon feed milk thats it, i cant do nth more.
changing her milk tomorrow too, maybe she got bored of that one? do those baby milks even taste any different? they stink for sure...
no doidy cup no, but i cna get some if that you think it will help. getting that tomorrow too. tried a non spill sippy up and it didnt help
Lil monkeys shes being.
She may open her mouth my lo never had any issues.
The sma i had first really stunk the cow and gate isnt as bad as for taste im not that brave lol
right just gave her some paracetamol and some teething gel... if its her teeth for sure after all that she will take at least 3/4 of a decent meal... i have a feeling though... little monkey indeed! grounded until college graduation she will be.

i am going to try to play with her tomorrow and the spoon and to spoon feed her just milk?? if thats not too runny? i cna always thicken it up just a little with some baby rice i suppose if she will take it like that. if that dosent work i will add a little apple for the taste to change and see if that will work.
Give her to spoon to hold and chew on for a while beforehand :)
Hey hope, hope it's going ok. Just wanted to ask, has her minimal milk intake effected her weight gain? My lo never got anywhere close to the recommended milk intake on the boxes, and I would panic terribly and try and force more in her. But when I got her weighed she was always either on the 50th centile or just above or below. So lo obviously knew what she was doing, and i just had to relax and let her lead the way! I would also recommend the doidy cup, got mine cheap from family center. Lo much prefers that than beaker or spoon!
Good luck
X x
She is being an angel after paracetamol and she had 150 ml with no complaining :roll::shock: that was a first after 5 weeks!!! So delaying a little the whole idea and starting slowly by playing with the spoons tomorrow :)
I am so relieved for those 150 ml that's unreal!! I just hope that the tomorrow vaccines will not make everything 10 times worse :(
I tried Amelie with a spoon to see if she will take a spoonful or 2 just to practice and have fun if we actually need to wean early.
I don't know how people were doing that 10 years ago with 3 m old babies???? For first she Dosent open her mouth and second she obviously Dosent seem to be ready to shallow it as she was pushing everything out of her little mouth lol. Tried a taste of carrot and she hated and some baby rice with apple flavor that she didn't dislike but she certainly couldn't or didn't want to shallow... Maybe the purée needed new thinning down with milk I think now but I don't even want to wean her so I am not going to stress it more. He is going to e weighted again in 2 weeks so if she didn't gain any weight again I will have to try again :( but at least he will be 16 weeks then and maybe more ready for that??
I know that they grow so fast but I doubt she will suddenly start swallowing in 2 weeks lol.
How on earth our parents weaned us web we were 3 m old it's beyond me :wall:
I did this wth keira and she did rxactly the same and yes 2 to 3 weeks later things were alot better x

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