Spoon feeding themselves.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Aimee has decided that she doesn't want me to feed her anymore. She is only 13 months and will eat finger foods but most of her food is still mushy. She won't let me come near her with a spoon. I have tried giving her a spoon while i'm feeding but she throws a tantrum. So at the minute she is just making a right mess evrywhere but she is eating most of the food it just takes ages and is very messy. Do you think she is too young to be doing this? or should i just let her get on with it. What ages are they ment to start feeding themselves?
Braydon has been reasonable good till sunday and desert came, so i let him have the spoon and he did really well till he decided he wanted to pick it up with his fingers lol
ella was 11 months when she didnt allow me to feed her, she managed quite well, if shes eating let her
I have excatly the same problem, Aimee wont let me feed her at all & hasnt for a good month. Iv given up now so either give her finger food most of the time or give her the bowl and spoon which is a friggin nightmare as she just wants to use her hands all the time or stick her head in the bowl and eat it that way! :shock:
When she does use the spoon properly i try and make a big fuss of her so she knows thats what she should be doing but am worried that she is never going to eat with a knife and fork & have terrible manners!

I really dont know what to do either...
ryan started bein the same when he was about 1, hes nearly 18months now n still makes quite a bit of mess but eats all the food, i think its normal n i would just let her do it, especially as she is eating the food n not just throwing it :D

i find the funniest when i give ryan beans as he eats each one on its own with his fingers but really loves them must be such a tiring job for them tho :lol:

Was curious about this as well, Kiara eats when i feed her but prefers when she feeds herself, the only thing about that is say she will eat potatoes and some veggies, but very little meat , so i like to feed her too so i can get a bit of everything.
My son Rhys is just 18 months, he was the same for a while, wouldnt let me feed him so we let him do it his self....oh the mess!! Slowly but surely he got better and is now quite good really!! Only the odd bit of food on the floor!!
But whoever invented lino/laminate flooring deserves a medal or we'd have been through a few carpets now between food, wee, poo and sickness!!!

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