Spina Bifida-please sign the petition to help prevent SB x

I'm so sorry you didn't get better news hun :hug: :hug:
I hope they can tell you something more positive on Thursday.
My thoughts are with you :hug: :hug: :hug:
You're damn right you don't deserve this - or your baby! You sound like such a good mum already. I think you have a great attitude of taking things one step at a time. I don't think anyone could help but worry about the future, it's only natural but I reckon you're so right to accept it isn't going to be centre stage right now.

I'm glad you got some sleep last night and I hope Thursday gives you a few more answers.

So sorry the news wasn't better, I have been thinking about you and hope that you have some more positive news soon.

Stay strong :hug:
So sorry, thinking of you and hope you get better news tomorrow
What your going through must be awful :hug: hope you looking after yourself and have a big support system around you to help you get through this xx
Just take each day as it comes... don't look to the future right now... there's no point as futures tend to like to keep us guessing.... Remember to take care of yourself which in turn takes care of your baby to make it as strong as possible for the future. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: And remember you don't need to be brave through all this... you have a right to cry... :hug:

How long will you have to wait for the results of the amnio?
Just saw this thread.........

Don't know what to say. YOu're very brave, hang on in there.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well the first set of results came back this morning...and they are normal!!!
A bit of good news for a change...that rules out Downs and all the other major chromosone disorders.
The next set will not be back for a few weeks. They are to do with looking more at the genes. I don't really understand much, but I will ask next Tuesday.
I also asked if I could know the sex. He said he didn't have that info infront of him but would go and get it and phone me back...so now I'm waiting for that!


That must be a relief that the first set of results are normal.

Thinking of you hun.
Well the first set of results came back this morning...and they are normal!!!
A bit of good news for a change...that rules out Downs and all the other major chromosone disorders.

:cheer: :cheer:

I'm thrilled to hear that! I know there's still a hell of a long way to go but in it's own right those results are a biggy and in the right direction. Hnag on in there - I think evryone is rooting for both you and the little one (can I have a guess it's a girly?).
Oh thank god, a bit of good news for you :cheer: As I said in my pm, the medical profession always give the very worst case scenario, I think its to cover their asses in case of a negligence claim. :moon:

Hang in there, think positive for your little one, we're all thinking and praying for you, OH and baby :pray: . ...............................I wonder which team?Can't wait to find out!!!! :D
lol ok you can guess girl...i will let you know as soon as he phones...hopefully he hasn't forgotten to!
It's a BOY!!!!
I'm so happy because there is hardly any boys in the family...mostly all girls!!
Yay I'm so happy I know now!! :D :D :D
Congrats on joining team blue! :dance:

Glad you got some better news today, I agree that the medical profession will always give you the worse case senario just in case.
I hope the next results are good too :hug: :hug:

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