Spina Bifida-please sign the petition to help prevent SB x

complain hun, that is shocking :shock:

chin up and keep strong :hug:
Klee that is disgusting the way that doctor treated you, he should have had more compassion due to the nature of your situation as it is. How can anyone be so crude, at the end of the day, this is your baby and your joy and i would be exactly like you. You want to give it the best start in life and if there is even 1% chance the baby would pull through everything and be "normal" (whatever that is) then i would go for it. You REALLY should complain, if he can't be compassionate when it's needed when can he be.

I hope you're rid of the pains also.

I would complain hun...

tbh though.. most doctors will act like that with regards to anyone who is handicapped and it's a truly disgusting side to the NHS. My mum had to fight and complain a lot to get the NHS to accept that my sister had an autoimmune problem, and kept getting brushed aside with.. she's just got Downs, she'll die young anyway... why are you bothering sort of attitude.

If it the normal doc in admissions, ignore him. He's not qualified enough to say to you your child will die and not to bother. And even if he was a registrar or consultant obgyn, I would still say don't listen..

At the end of the day, you have got your amnio back that says your baby is normal, you just know it has some difficulties. I think you should allow yourself to get as far along in your pregnancy as possible to give your baby the best possible chance of survival, give birth and take it from there. It's amazing just how WRONG medical professionals can get it. The scans are not fool proof, they cannot see exactly what's wrong with the baby until it's born... Don't let these people get to you... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Squiglet said:
I would complain hun...

tbh though.. most doctors will act like that with regards to anyone who is handicapped and it's a truly disgusting side to the NHS. you... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

This is sadly very true and despite your physical and emotional pain you and your oh need to get ready for a fight. Its not a baby with spina bifda, its your baby son and no one should tell you he isnt going to make it.
How dare they.
Im sat here crying :hug: i don't understand how anyone can be so cruel that man shouldn't be in the position he's in. to tell you something like that.... to have no thought for your feelings... can't comprehend how you feeling. :hug: :hug: good luck for when you see the midwife on tues xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: I'm really sorry you've been treated like this. It is totally out of order :x
I wouldn't listen to what he says, like the others have said, if he doesn't specialise in babies with spina difida how would he know what sort of chance your baby has?
I wouldn't have thought the spina difida consultant you saw the other day would give you false hope if he thought the baby had no chance at all.
I would talk to your midwife about it, I'm sure she'll be a lot more compassionate about and will be able to tell you how to make a complaint if that's what you decide to do.
i am absolutely astounded that this man has done that to you, what gives him a right to mistreat anyone like that :evil:

please, please don't let this lie, make sure you speak to someone who can tell you the exact facts and figures rather than a clueless busy doctor. so sorry you had to go through that sweetie :hug: :hug:
:shock: :shock: how dare that doctor speak to you like that. I bet he was just a junior Dr too with no right or qualification to make comments like that. You need to complain to your consultant, and if you have any more worries go back to the hospital but refuse to see that dr again. :hug: :hug:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

what a stupid *ç&ç%*çç%*** :x :x :x :x


Arrrgggh, that makes me SO cross!

Squig gave good advice. They may be wrong.....stick to your guns!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I just dont know what to say hun apart from what a complete asshole that doc was :evil: :evil: :evil: That made me so upset reading how you were treated.

You're being so brave hun and I admire you're strength. Keep positive babe, like Squiglet says its amazing how wrong medical professionals can get things :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
the more I think about this the more annoyed I get. How can he tell without a scan and without a wide wide knowledge of s.b

Surely everycase like this has to be considered unique.

You go your mile when you see the midwife and consultant.
Awww, I can't believe you have had to go through this, especailly after the week you have had. What a horrible and insensitive man! You are right to seek reassurance and advice on Tuesday from the people who actually know what they are talking about. I would certainly log a complaint against this man, he has a duty of care to you and your child that he has clearly neglected.
Please try to pay no attention to his comments. He can not know exactly what is going to happen with your child. He is not a specialist in that area and he had no right to make such specualtions.
I amthinking of you sweetie. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I dont come here very often and have only just seen this thread. Im sending you my deepest sympathies at the way you have been treated, and im with everyone else and that you should complain.

Im so sorry, my thoughts are with you xxxx
firstly i want to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i think you really need to complain to the hospital, phone the hospital tomorrow and ask to get put through to the ward or department you were seen at then ask to speek to the person thats on in charge and tell them you want to put a formal complaint in against this dr please dont let them away with it, this is really shocking :(

i have been following your story and i think you are really brave and you will be a great mum to your little boy, unfortuatly i was in quite a similar situation to yourself back in august i went for my 13 week scan to be told that my baby wouldnt survive they said it had heart problems and massive chromosome problems and i was 'talked' into having a termination i was in such shock and thought it was the kindest thing to do for my baby, but boy was i wrong :cry: i got the results after i let my little man go that it had normal male chromosomes, and this was the biggest mistake of my life i wish i had given my little boy a chance of survival and know now that drs are too quick to make decisions.

sorry for going on here but this post has just brought it all back to me, what im trying to say is stay strong for your little boy and dont give up :hug:
Goodness me, what a twunt :evil:

People with that kind of lack of tact and compassion shouldn't be allowed to work in a caring role... I'm so angry on your behalf!!

You just continue to do the best by you and your son. I'm not in your situation, but if I were I would do my utmost to keep my baby so that "man"'s words would have hurt me too.

Like the others say, complain. What a div he was :evil: :evil:

Best of luck for tomorrow's appointment :hug:
I know he was out of order to say those things to me. I feel better today knowing he couldn't possibly know if my baby is going to be ok.

I'm afraid now though that when I go tomorrow and tell the specialist what he said, they may agree with him. I know the specialist is lovely but what if he says the admissions doctor is right and the baby isn't going to make it?

I don't want them to advice me to have a termination. There is no way I'm doing that. I might aswell give it a chance. I'm scared they are going to tell me its the best thing to do though.

Guess I will just have to wait and find out tomorrow what they say about it all.


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