Spent the day in hospital!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Yesterday morning I popped into my doctors surgery to see if someone could check my BP as I was feeling really faint and my consultant on friday said to be sure to get checked if ever I feel unwell.

Well, I was seen straightaway and after my BP was taken by the nurse she called down the doctor who checked my BP again and then told me he was ringing an ambulance and admitting me to hospital!! I think my BP had gone as high as 190/96 and I was soooooo dizzy.

At hospital my BP was checked again and my urine showed protein so they took bloods which came back at tea time showing no pre eclampsia. They wanted to keep in overnight to keep checking me but I finally came home about 6pm so I could sleep in my own bed!! :)

I'm back at hospital on friday morning as they want to check BP again, but at moment all seems well!!!

Hope all you girls are well!!!! :D
:shock: scary stuff but glad you're home and feeling better and it showed no pre-eclampsia.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
ooo how scarey hun x
glad blood test was neg x
rest andput your feey up :hug:
Thanks girls!! :D

One good thing, I did find out that baby is engaged yesterday!!! Midwife said head is well down!! :cheer: But that's only keeping me on my feet today in the hope that it starts something off!! :pray:
Sorry you've had a scare, but glad all is well :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun thats must have been scary good thing you went to see your docs :hug:

glad you out of hospital and back home and that pre ecampsia has been ruled out :D

you take care and have lots of rest love
hope friday shows your blood pressure has gone back to normal :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: sarah
OMG You poor love. :hug: That must have been scary. I hope Friday goes well. Good news that bubs is engaged though!
Aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: hope everything goes ok on Fri, take t easy until then!! xx
I would sya take it easy....But know you are walking yourself into labour lol

Will simply say, hope BP reduces and that you go into labour very soon! (though I may be linched by the anti queue jumping mob :rotfl: )
Take it easy Soulem, hope everything goes ok on Friday, but good news about head down.

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