Been in hospital


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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Well my bp totally decided to misbehave and was up to 130/98 on Thursday so I was told to go straight to hospital, not pass go etc, etc and spent thursday and most of Friday sat twiddling my thumbs on the maternity ward. What made it even more infuriating was that no sooner had I sat on the hospital bed, then my bp came right back down again to 110/70. I wouldn't mind so much if I had been running around like a nutter at home getting stressed- but I haven't! I've been really well behaved!

Coming home last night felt great though and it means that i have been able to test out whether I have packed what i need for my hospital bag! I have no more appointments now until Monday so it means that I willnot be trundging to and fromt he hospital all weekend like I was last weekend. If bp high again I may be induced but otherwise it's wait and wait and wait...
Awww I've been stuck in hospital too!!

I got out yesterday after spending all day Thursday in and overnight. I can totally sympathise with the boredom!

Hope your BP behaves now :hug:
awwww :hug: :hug: at least you're home now! And not long either way until you meet your LO xxxx
Sorry you had to go to hospital, how annoying. Glad you are ok! :hug:
Aw your blessed BP again, crap isn't it..i'm dreading my appt on weds as i know i'll be admittted again and like you, soon as i'm bored witless in the bed for two hours it miraculously goes down!!!
sending these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hey flowergirl, if u pop before me, i'll be interested to see how they manage your birth with high bp, my hospital have said i have to monitored all the way through, so no birth pool etc...although (bonus for me as i want one) an epi may be good idea as it lowers bp!! :hug:

I'll keep you posted on how my birth is managed (as long as I do 'pop' before you!) I wanted a MW unit birth but that is now officially not allowed so am at the consultant led care at a bigger hospital now. Not sure I like the sound of the no water birth thingy- I want as many options available as possible and HATE the idea of an epidural! I will be asking a few more questions when I see the consultant on Weds as long as I don't go back to hospital before then! :pray: At least I know there's not too long left- although I cannot get my head around the fact that I could have my baby by this time next week! :shock:
i know scary but great eh?
Good luck hun, keep me posted :hug: :hug:

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