Spending the night..


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2014
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When was the first time your LO's spent the night at grandmas house, or wherever it was for you? My LG is three and a half weeks and is spending the night at grandmas house tomorrow night, as me and OH originally had plans to go out (but has now been cancelled due to him having to work, but still letting grandma have LO as shes too excited for me to say no). Part of me thinks its too early just yet and I'm anxious about being without her for a night, but a bigger part of me can't wait for a glass or two of wine and an early night of uninterrupted sleep! I'm not BF so thats not an issue, and I'd always said to my mum that she can have her for the night when I know what I'm doing with feeding and get into a routine etc.

My mum wants to have her once a week and I huuuuuugely appreciate her for this, but again, is it too early? Other people have said its good for it to be early as they can learn to settle at somebody elses house, and grandmas house is going to be a regular occurance. She only lives 10 minutes drive down the road so shes never going to be too far away.

What do you think? xx
I would say as soon as you feel ready. I left my LO at 4 weeks old with my mum overnight so me and hubby could go for dinner and get a full nights sleep. Left her MIL a few weeks after that as well. I trust them both 100% and LO has an amazing relationship with them both. She regularly stays over with both of them xx
It's a very personal choice. My LO is 11 months old and I can't imagine leaving her overnight yet. And at 3/4 weeks old we could barely leave the house still, lol! She is breastfed though, which I guess does make quite a difference.
I couldn't even go out for a night before he was about 3/4 months! When I did I cried on the waitress! We are letting my mum have oscar overnight on the night of the 10th march when he is exactly six months old! (Only just realised that!) I don't think there's any right or wrong time to do it, it's just about his you feel and how baby is.
It's definitely about when you feel ready. We've never left either of ours overnight with anyone (they're now almost 3 yrs and 16 months old). Even when I was in hospital having my son, my OH came home to look after our daughter overnight before she went back to my parents in the morning. It'd never really occur to me to ask anyone to look after them overnight so I could go out or have a full nights sleep.
We left Lucie at 4 weeks and she has stayed once a week since. Mum and dad have an amazing bond with her and I am so glad. It was the right thing for us and it allowed me to get some sleep x
I say go for it! My LO stayed with my mom and dad overnight and 5 weeks and has since. The best part is, she's fab when she's there, very comfortable and happy! I think it does them good to learn to settle somewhere else and builds their confidence. Don't get me wrong you'll struggle. You probably won't sleep a wink out if worry but i personally think it will do both your mom and your LO some good :) x x
I agree it helps a bond. My LO is fab with my mom and dad yet still cries when my mil and FIL try to settle her. :) x x
Also it's nice for you and your OH ;) x
It's definitely one of those things that is different for everyone and it's about what you feel comfortable with. We didn't leave lo with anyone until he was 3 months old and I hated the first time! Once I started back at work and was used to leaving lo with the childminder I found it easier although he was still about a year old before we left him with anyone else overnight. I do prefer having my mum and dad round to our house for the evening to watch him while we go out rather than leaving him overnight.
My LO has just turned 3 months. He's still not stayed the night at anyones. He's only been apart from me for about 2 or 3 hours. I'm breastfeeding though, so can't really just lend someone my boobs. I don't think I'd want him to stay away from me for a whole night though. I wouldn't sleep I'd be too worried.
It's down to individual choice.

James has never stayed out, the need has never arisen (our family are close enough to babysit etc..)

We are boring old farts though and never really do anything to warrant needing an overnight babysitter.

I'd need someone to take both children for a fortnight to have any real chance of catching up on my sleep :lol:

My cousin and his girlfriend left their first LO with a relative overnight when he was 6 days old and number two was only 3 days old when she stayed with someone else overnight for the first time. It really is absolutely about what you feel comfortable with xx
No ones having my baby he is mine all mine lol. I do feel bad and mil whom I love and adore really wants him for a weekend as they live a while away and don't get to spend much time with him but I can't I'm not ready to let him stay away I just can't. Only you can decide when your ready hun. With my daughter 20 years ago she was 4 weeks and she stayed at my sisters xxx
I def think it's an individual choice. I left our ds when he was 10 months with my parents due to a work commitment my husband had that involved a stop over with spouses. Tbh I hated it really although sleep was nice. We have been invited again somewhere at the end of this month and I have declined because I don't want to leave him at all. He's not bf, he's ff so nothing to do with feeding and will shortly be on cows milk anyway, I just literally hate being away from him overnight.

But again totally personal choice, If your comfortable with it go for it
We did it earlier than we thought we would. We made plans pre-birth. My son ended up being two weeks late so obviously he was two weeks younger than we had originally planned for leaving him. I felt so guilty that night but in the long run it was good. My MIL ended up having him once a week. I was starting to plummet into PND so desperately needed that one night of a free non-colic scream fest evening! My son has a fantastic relationship with my MIL and I reckon it is down to all the help she gave me and him in those early days.
My.mum has dd from 2 weeks old once a week x
Personal choice!

I am fine leaving my little man with my mum for a couple of hours at her house, I've done a few KIT days at work. My parents have been to our house to babysit once at night.

My OH is 30 in April so I've arranged for Zachary to go to my mums over night for the first time - he'll be 8 months old then so I feel a bit more comfortable with it.

I'm afraid I don't trust my in laws much to follow what I ask, I have given them a few opportunities but it mostly ends in disaster! In fact, my OH has convinced me to let them babysit at our house tonight so we can go out for a late valentine's meal. In theory all should be fine because Zac will be in bed, it's just if he wakes up whether MIL can fight the urge to get him out his cot and play!!

Alipops xx
We still haven't, and our son is just over 2.5 years. I've only been away from him for one night (and he was at home with my partner), and that was because I was in hospital after having my tonsils out. I just don't like the idea of leaving him with anybody else, as I'd worry that he'd be upset if he woke up in the night and neither of us was there.

He still has a brilliant bond with my parents as he sees them pretty much every other day, so I guess if I had to then he probably would be okay with them, but I still wouldn't want to do it.
For my little one it was whereas I was fine at that age because I went three nights a week as my mum had to work and so had my dad. I was also formula fed at nanna's and breastfed at home. But my little one up until a couple of months a go would scream the entire house down until we'd come and get him. MIL lives round the corner though which I suppose makes it a little easier.

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