Lunch Ideas for 17month old


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Cam eats pretty much anything!! But I am so lost at what to give him for lunches.

Baring in mind Oh and I work mon-Fri full time, so lunch gets packed for Grandmas house every morning...

Need something quick and tasty but good for him! He isn't a massive fan of sandwiches.



Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
Pasta swirls cut in half with a sauce and a few veggies, shepherds type pie comfort food that can be warmed up easily. Pasta veg salad can be served hot or cold. Have a look at what baby food manufacturers sell then try and make it fresh??? Just a thought :)
Houmous with carrot and pepper sticks, pitta bread cut into strips etc. pasta salad. Cous Cous salad. Cold pizza. These could all be made night before. cream cheese with breadsticks.
What about sticks of veg, pitta bread and hummus? My lo likes hot cross bun, Philadelphia in a pitta and varolious things on toast for lunch. H has a love for bananas and would quite happily eat one f these every day for lunch and occasionally he does!
Soup always goes down well with paige and easy to repeat. Stuff like pasta can be eaten hot or cold. Umm...i can't think of anything else but if i think of anything I'll come back to the thread :)
Could grandma do him cheese on toast? Can't think of anything else as tegan mostly has sandwiches lol xx
AJ loves cherry tomatos and seafood sticks so he just gobbles these down most days haha x
Mmm good ideas!!

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
I'm making Jack falafel balls & cheesy lentil bites tomorrow. There from one of Nanny's ancient cook books but if there any good i'll post the recipe's for you if you like? x
beware of the nappies though if you are planning on giving seafood sticks x
I've bought him some humous. If i have time i will make stuff night before but really want something i can quickly prepare in morning Xx

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
What about freezing meals and defrosting them overnight in the fridge then there's nothing to prepare in the mornings except snacks?!

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