Spending the night..

I can't remember with my first but my second was born 7th Jan and we left him overnight with my mum when it was my hubby's birthday on 25th Feb.
I'm absolutely stunned (and also a bit jealous) about how many of you have parents that will look after your babies overnight when they're so young. My parents are amazing - they often look after mine during the day, e.g. once a week they look after my son when I take my daughter to ballet; but I'd never even dream of asking them to have them overnight (and they've never offered), especially for trivial stuff like just because I fancied going out. Maybe if there was a medical emergency or something. I think the last time me and my OH spent a whole night just us would have been a couple of nights before we brought our daughter home from special care, so approx. 3 years ago!!!
We're getting married later in the year (son will be three by then) and my parents have actually offered to have our son for the night... we probably will accept the offer, but I've still not 100% convinced myself yet :lol: They would be taking our son back to our house and staying with him there while me and my partner stay in a hotel for one night.
Ella1979 - my mum asked if she could have LO overnight once a week pretty much as soon as I told her I was pregnant! She's had 4 kids herself (I'm the eldest) so she's very maternal and I've given her her first grandchild!

Well first night at grandmas house went well anyway. Makes me sound like a terrible mother but I wasn't as heartbroken as I thought I should have been, obviously I missed her though and the house was too quiet! But as my friend pointed out, if I wasn't feeling guilty about not being heartbroken then I'd be feeling guilty for leaving her, catch - 22. I wasn't sure about letting it be once a week just yet, but I feel so refreshed after a good nights sleep, I'm totally ready for another weeks worth of night feeds until she goes again (which she definitely will be!). As others have said, I really think it will boost the bond between her and my mum and stepdad and also my younger brother and sister that live at home.

Thanks for all you replies - theres clearly varied opinions and feelings on this, but its nice to know that some of you have let them go at a few weeks old :)
I'm glad it went well. I would have killed for a night and day's rest the other week (we all got norovirus 24hrs after each other, so me and my OH had an hour's rest each in the afternoon while the other looked after our two kids!).

I think it really does depend on so many factors, e.g. my daughter (my parents' first grandchild) was premature and in special care for 3 weeks so once we got her home we were reluctant to be apart again and I think even the most experienced of mummies would be quite wary of looking after a very tiny baby (she was 4lb at discharge) who's only just recently stopped tube feeding.
I haven't left him yet. We have had my mum come over to watch him one night before Christmas when we went to my works dinner. My mum has also popped in every now and again when I have had appointments or needed to go and run errands without him. (DH's job is far to unpredictable to rely on him, which I hate) Other than that we have not had to have anyone come and stay with him.

I am not sure I would be able to sleep knowing he wasn't in the room next to me. I will have to be brave and let him stay over one night but I will hate every second.

I sound like a nut!
I'm absolutely stunned (and also a bit jealous) about how many of you have parents that will look after your babies overnight when they're so young. My parents are amazing - they often look after mine during the day, e.g. once a week they look after my son when I take my daughter to ballet; but I'd never even dream of asking them to have them overnight (and they've never offered), especially for trivial stuff like just because I fancied going out. Maybe if there was a medical emergency or something. I think the last time me and my OH spent a whole night just us would have been a couple of nights before we brought our daughter home from special care, so approx. 3 years ago!!!

Absolutely each to their own but I would just like to say that I don't think a night out is something trivial! I think it's really important to do things for yourself from time to time. We have only left our Lo once so far (would like to more often) but it was so me and my husband could go out for the evening and then we stayed in a hotel. I think it's so important to nurture your relationship with your other half and make quality time for each other 😊

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