speech at 17 months *update 2* had appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Nathans coming up to 17 months now and doesn't talk at all. The girls were well talking by his age and I don't know whether to worry or not. He babbles a lot and he was sort of saying hello but it's more just like a noise like a parrot. Alls he says is dadadadadada all day long and hes been doing that for a good 6 months with no progress. I was thinking of having chat with the HV tomorrow but I thought I'd ask on here 1st to see if I'm worrying to early.
I'm in the same position hun. Dan doesn't really talk as such. He babbles constantly, all day long, but only says a handful of clear words. He does know what words mean though, for instance he can touch his nose/head when asked and get a ball etc. We have been searching the internet to see if this is normal which it appears it is at this stage. I would be interested to know what your HV says hun, might have a word with mine too :think:
It's so hard not to worry! :hug:
Stanley's 22 months and I feel his speech has only really took off recently. He'll have a go at most words, but much of it only we can understand. If I listen carefully there's not a lot of nouns he gets stuck on, but it's very much 'joo' for juice or 'bi' for biscuit.

He has strung a couple of words together, and we can communicate. I love having chats with him :) He didn't really say 'mummy' until he was about 20 months :(

I wouldn't worry at all about Nathan, sounds like he's doing fine. :)
I have been worrying about Kai for ages and in the last month things have really picked up. He's putting words together, asking me questions.

I think boys are slower and I wouldn't worry at all.
babsi said:
I think boys are slower and I wouldn't worry at all.

I would agree that generally there's something in that. Most women I know talk more than men! :lol:
Minxy said:
babsi said:
I think boys are slower and I wouldn't worry at all.

I would agree that generally there's something in that. Most women I know talk more than men! :lol:

Nephew is 2 years and 4 months and only in the last couple of months has he started saying words we understand, however its still quite difficult but seems to have hit something in the last month where day by day he is coming on tons
My daughter was amazing at speaking, by the time she was 18 months old you could hold a conversation with her!
But my son doesnt really speak at all, I had him at the docs the other week regarding his weight and doc said he was fine nowt to worry about, aslong as Alastair can understand me (which he can very well) then there is nothing to worry about :D
Jack sounds exactly the same as your Nathan and just says "dadadadada" all day and just random blabbering. I hadnt thought to be worried yet :oops: . let me know how you get on :hug:
I think I'll take anyway it won't hurt. Another thing is he doesn't seem to understand much either. He sort of knows what a ball is and understands 'no' (doesn't take any notice though) but that it. He doesn't know who mummy and daddy are or any body parts or his sisters names :? I know he can hear ok cos he had his ears checked a few months ago. Maybe I just haven't had as much time to talk to him with having the girls as well, I don't know. Will let you know what HV says.
Boys are slower.... When Tia went to the special nursery school for speech she was accepted at 18 months but they wouldn't accept boys until they were 24 months because they have a bigger age gap to learn to talk.

Tia had severe speech delay that has only really been sorted since about a year ago....

When Tia was 17 months old... she had a huge range of signs, but maybe 5 "words" and I only knew that they were words because they were the same sounds that accompanied a sign which she repeated over and over again. She didn't babble, she screeched a lot...

I think its a bit early to panic yet hun... but mention it to your HV all the same :hug:
hi hun, christopher is also 17 months and doesnt actually speak much , he understands so much tho he can point to :

tummy,eyes, nose,ears, willy :lol: , feet,mouth,teeth, hair, head,cat, dog,pig,sheep,cow,duck, shoe, when he is asked to

he can say almost vey clear:

din dins, effs (teeth), daddy,mamama, brum brum, head, hat,woof woof, ink(drink),, botbot (bottle) , nice, bed

but the rest of the time he just makes noises for things i to have ben worrying as the little girl next door is 16 months can almost uses full sentances so i think this is a boy thing tbh..if u chat to ur HV let us know what she says tho as i too have considerd chatting to my HV about this :hug: :hug:
Well I went to see the HV and she was really good. She asked me a lot of questions about him and said that she is going to refer him to a specialist. She said that they didn't usually bother before 2 years but thats all changed now and they help babies as young as 12 months old as it's better to get help early. She said he should be saying some words by now and understanding basic commands which he doesn't. She also said it could just be a boy thing but it's best to get him checked out so I'm happy with that.
Oh good, let us know how he gets on with the specialist :)
I'm glad she took you seriously Kellie - please keep us posted with how you get on.

Valentine Xxx
as above would love to hear how you get on, will mention this to my friend as she is too worried about her boys speech so good thread x
oh wow... thats fab :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I know how dismissive they were with me...I'm so glad they are taking you seriously... :hug: :hug:
My Jack babbles lots but doesnt actually talk, it took me tons of nagging the health visitor to get him referred. he finally sees the speech therapist on the 10th july to be assessed. he doesnt seem to understand everything i say either and im hoping if they work on his speech the rest will follow. i was just dissapointed the health visitors didnt take me seriously more like an over anxious mother.
Debbie B said:
My Jack babbles lots but doesnt actually talk, it took me tons of nagging the health visitor to get him referred. he finally sees the speech therapist on the 10th july to be assessed. he doesnt seem to understand everything i say either and im hoping if they work on his speech the rest will follow. i was just dissapointed the health visitors didnt take me seriously more like an over anxious mother.

Thats a shame its took so long to get sorted. I think I just caught my HV at a good time as she had had a days training over speech problems the day before and was up on all the new things they are doing now. I expected to be told to go away and stop worrying really so I was quite surprised she took me seriously.
I was only talking to my hv about this the other day as i have a 21 month old son. She's a really good hv anyway but she said they do 18-24 month checks and she's not bothered about speaking as long as they can understand things. She also said that she does the checks around 23/24 months as from her experience, if she does it sooner, the child doesn't do everything required and the test has to be redone.

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