SPD :( tips on dealing anyone?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hi everyone.

This last week I have been having terrible pains in my hips / groin / butt area and the doc said he thinks it is SPD and has referred me to Physio.

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on ways to deal with it? I'm only 15 weeks and have been warned it will get much worse as the baby gets bigger.

Feeling pretty fed up as I had just got over the terrible sickness and was feeling normal, then I ended up suddenly single and now this. Can't help thinking this is Karma for something terrible I must have down at some point :lol: (can't think what though???)


I suffer from pelvic pain (SPD) and have done since I was about 16 weeks. I started off with mild occasional pain, and then went on holiday and did a lot of walking and swimming, which just about finished me off. Since then, i've had good and bad days (mostly good though - not all bad!)

I went to the docs, and got referred for "urgent physio". Had my appointment (4 weeks later - not exactly urgent!) which lasted about an hour. The physio explained what SPD was, how to manage it and also told me about various exercises which should help. The bottom line is.... there's no cure - it's just a case of managing it. You know yourself what hurts and what doesn't - that's your body telling you what you should and shouldn't be doing. But if you can strengthen the muscles around your pelvis - that does help.

The physio advised me to get a gym ball which is nice to sit on and do some exercises (just gentle rocking back and forth, and side to side). Also helps with posture as it forces you to sit properly. So i've been sitting on mine occasionally whilst watching tv at night!

Physio said that posture is very important and also said to make sure I hold my tummy in (very slightly) when walking around, as the muscles support your pelvis and your back.

You get to know your limits. For example - I know that if I were to spend an hour or so walking around the shops... i'll pay for it tomorrow. So i go, but not for that long, and i have rests inbetween (just sitting down, or having a coffee etc).

Physio also said that swimming is a good idea - or exercising in water. So i've started going to aquanatal which is really good as the instructor is a physiotherapist, and gives alternative exercises for pelvic pain/spd sufferers.

Whenever you move - say when you turn over in bed etc - keep your knees together and hold your tummy in slightly again to support your pelvis. You're probably already doing this though - hurts not to!

There's quite a bit on the internet about what you can do etc - but personally I've found that some of the suggestions help and some don't - so you just have to find out what works best for you (e.g. what doesn't hurt!)
I had this when pregnant with Alastair (2nd), havent had it yet but expecting it, as silly as this sounds trying to keep active and i know how hard that will get towards the end. As for night time, I had pillow inbetwwen my legs one at my back and i cuddle one :rotfl: poor hubby could not get near me :rotfl:

Also i sometimes used a hot water bottle on my hibs, I know how awful the pain gets towards the end, but honestly u will be amazed at how quickly it all goes away once bubba is here :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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