SPD raising its ugly head? I hope not..

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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My pubic bone is sore :( We went for a walk this afternoon and I noticed it when we got home, now Im really aware of it. It hurts when I press gently :cry:

My hips have been fine this time around since I sleep with a pillow between my knees, I didnt get pubic pain last time though :( walking upstairs is getting uncomfortable at times too. Say a little prayer for me ladies xx
Oh dear, I feel for you RM! I'm off to the GP tomorrow, work is a nightmare with the pain :( Not really wanting to be signed off but I can't go on like this for the next 11 weeks til my mat leave!
Oh no, you have it too? I am so upset, I was doing so well with this pregnancy and havent had any real problems as yet. Let me know what your GP says, last time around I was referred to a physio who gave me a belt to wear which didnt help my hips at all - the only thing that helped me with my hips were crutches so I could get to the loo in the morning. I have no idea what they would suggest for pubic discomfort :( Good luck at the doc's MM xx
Thanks RM! Started off with sacroiliac pain, but was always SPD too, just gotten worse over time. I have been to physio about 10 weeks ago now, been through two support belts, both very uncomfortable and now moved on to the huge tubigrip, also taking regular paracetamol which I don't like one bit!! Just moved so it's a new GP, I have no idea what they will say. Did you have to get signed off the last time? I'm up almost every hour to the loo or to reposition myself cause of the pain so exhausted to boot. I really want to enjoy carrying this LO, not dread each day!
We moved back to the UK when I was 26 weeks pregnant so I wasnt working when we got home - I really struggled with walking more than short distances and had a devil of a job getting out of bed in the morning, sometimes I really thought I would wee myself! :lol:
i have had this bad the last two days, feel like i have been kicked in the lady-area :( it really hurts very very much especially in bed at night

Hope it doesnt get much worse as i have two big projects to finish at the moment before i can abandon college for ever!
oh no!! I really hope this is just a small blip and wont get any worse for you :hug: I was diagnosed with SPD in the back.... sacroilli..something. Anyway, I saw physio, but it kind of spontaneously went away. Wierd. I was in agony taking a step at times but now Ive got nothing.

I really hope this happens for you too hun! xxx

BTW the new 'sick note to fit note' thing kicks in today so you dont have to be signed off completely, your GP can insist that your work provide you with activites which wont make your sickness worse. If they cant, then its up to your work to allow you to stay at home, or work reduced hours. I think its gonna get a lot more complicated to be signed off now :/
I think the purpose of the fit note is a bit different really, had a wee look on the BBC News pages and there was a quote

"Ian Tasker, assistant secretary of the STUC, added: "GP's have had no training in how to use or make recommendations on the fit note, since they are not occupational therapists and will not know the person's work duties, structure of the company, or office set-up."

I am an Occupational Therapist! :)
Hope this doesnt get too painfull for you RM! Such a shame when you are feeling so well xxxxx
I think the purpose of the fit note is a bit different really, had a wee look on the BBC News pages and there was a quote

"Ian Tasker, assistant secretary of the STUC, added: "GP's have had no training in how to use or make recommendations on the fit note, since they are not occupational therapists and will not know the person's work duties, structure of the company, or office set-up."

I am an Occupational Therapist! :)

its classic government interfering in what they dont understand isnt it! Will be very interesting to see how this one pans out at a practical level. More than one occasion a doctor has made a referal detailing the exact type of therapy they want me to offer. They have never been right and it really pisses me off! Refer for assessment and Ill use my years of training to make an appropriate decision shall I?!

Anyone had a 'fit note' yet?
Yeah it did make me giggle! Just back from the GP who was lovely, I didn't say anything, he had spotted my SPD waddle from the car into the surgery :shock: He also commented that people don't usually wince lying on their backs and I had to yelp as he pressed the measuring tape down to my pubic bone! Now signed off for four weeks from today to be reviewed after that. Only when I got the new sick note/fit note form did I remember how rubbish GP's are at filling in the whole form anyway, filling in the fit note part will be far too much work for them!!!
ahh well done :yay: glad you got some space to chill out, very improtant for baby and you.

Yeah thats true, I wonder how many doctors will actually use the 'fit note' part! You'd have to have an occupational therapist in every doctors surgery so the GP could send you to see them if they're considering signing you off, which just isnt going to happen at all cos it would have to be paid for!
I reckon if they want to reduce long term sickness companies should invest some time in their employees and have a decent Occ Health service! Great PR for OT's though from the up and coming vocational rehab perspective! :)
Sorry RM, I'm just totally hijacked your thread!!!!

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