SPD sufferers?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I would like to ask your advice please?

Since Thursday afternoon i have had a pain when i walk, like a stretching muscley pain on my left side, kind of on the inside of my hip that can radiate towards my pelvic bone. It started after i got up from the sofa, Thursday night i could barely walk it hurt so much but seemed to calm after a few hours after i sat with my legs stretched out, i still have the pain but nowhere near as severe, just irratating and uncomfortable.

Do you think this could be the start of SPD? or me just pulled a muscle?

I started to have this just over a week ago and my m/w confirmed that it is SPD.

Hang on let me find you my link from third tri to see if anything helpful comes up there fpr you...

my main advise is when turning over in bed or standing up keep your legs together. my m/w also said to sit whilst getting dressed so you're not trying to balance on one leg :hug:
Thanks Kirly.

I have had a problem turning in bed since i got pregnant but the last few nights it has got worse.

I already sit to get dressed, to lazy to do it any other way :lol:

I shall have a read.

Thanks again :D
pleasure :hug:

mine is getting gradually worse too :|

If you check out the sticky section in tri 3 there's some stuff there too :hug:
Well from what i can see it looks the same :?

My mum keeps moaning at me though telling me they never had anything like that when they were pregnant and that i should stop looking at things online.

Although she didnt even know what Braxton hicks where until i explained them to her, you'd never know she had two kids of her own.
my mums like that, when i was sooo tired in the first trimester all i got was 'how can it be bothering you, its only a few cells! i never felt pregnant till i was 7 months etcetcetc' done my head in big time!
mothers eh.

hope your feeling better flame :)
whats spd? cuz ive been having some sharp pains in my side when i get up :?

ETA: just read the link. dont think it would be that yet would it
I saw the obstetrician at the hospital yesterday that said it was probably just muscles stretching (as usual) but i also saw the midwife yesterday afternoon and she has given me the number for the obstetric physio so i can go and see them to check it out.

So finally something is being done, or will be when i remember to ring them up and make an appointment :?

In the meantime i have found sleeping with a pillow between my knees seems to help.

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