Pelvic Pain SPD


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Ladies
Oh wow am I in pain!! OK, so at about 13-14 weeks I had coccyx pain and this has slowly been getting worse despite my best efforts, but now it's spread to tenderness over my pubic bone and pain in my hips. My midwife has already referred me to the Physio, first appointment on Monday, and I have a general ante-natal physio class this evening (apparently no individual issues dealt with there).
I'm back at work today after hurting my neck/shoulder turning oddly in bed but my pelvis feels like it's falling to bits, it's literally throbbing! My manager has been fantastic and is happy for me to use my time flexibly, leaving when I need to, she's also discussed options for office work if I can no longer continue the clinical side of my job safely. Occ Health are happy with that.
What else can I do though?
I've been taking paracetamol
Sleeping with a pillow between my knees
trying to keep my knees together getting in/out bed and car

Any other suggestions? My pelvis is actually throbbing! :(
I have this too although it sounds like yours is worse than mine! I saw a physio who recommended some exercises but TBH they dont seem to have an effect. I find the more Im on my feet the worse it gets. This is NOT the type of back pain you should be pushing through, rest rest rest! They have support belts for your abdomen and pelvis but I havent had one cos its not too bad at the mo. You might have to take on a different work role? Ive been allowed to work in joint sessions with you technical instructor so I sit on my throne while she does the leg work and I give orders! :rofl: we used to run clinics side by side so we've halfed the number of patients seen but its better than me going off work cos she cant see patients without my assessment first!

Hope youre physio gives you the support you need. Working for the NHS in this situation is bloomin brilliant isnt it, at least you know you'll be looked after.
I dont know what else to suggest, it sounds as though you are doing all you can. Im getting hip pain on both sides at the top of my leg bones, not as bad as you though by the sound of things :hug:
Awful isn't it.

I bought a maternity pillow one of the long straight ones and basically I hugged that throwing my leg over it :blush: lol I use to throw my leg over my OH when he'd let me (for selfish reasons that is haha) somehow that helped me be comfy at nights.

Hope your appointment goes well. They gave me a support thing which I personally found very uncomfy but I was near th end of my pregnancy and carried big so that could be why - The lady said to me "only one thing will help now" ...she meant having baby 4 days later I walked past her (it was the MAT ward I got fitted) :yay:


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