SPD - On Crutches Now :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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The past few days have been busy what with running up and down to the hospital to visit a sick friend and preparing for visitors yesterday and my SPD has been unbearable.

I had my physio appointment this morning and she could clearly see I was in a lot of pain and on the way there I had been really upset about it and crying in the car.

She said that she wasn't going to touch me today as she thinks that it's just aggravating it each time so has booked me for acupuncture on Tuesday morning to try to help control the pain and also given me crutches to see how I got on with them (because by night-time I can barely walk at all).

I feel so miserable about it all. 7 months ago I was able to run 5km and now I can barely walk. It's quite depressing really. All that keeps me going is knowing that in a few weeks it will be over and done with and I'll be holding my baby in my arms without another care in the world!) :)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Light at the end of the tunnel as you say :) Hopefully the acupuncture will help.

Drop me a PM if you want to chat :)

And have a few more of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww poor you hun. Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: Hope those crutches help you get about a bit easier and like you say, only a few short weeks to go!!
:hug: You'll be back to your old self before you know it. I know you are in alot of discomfort but you'll kick yourself (not literally) :wink: (bad joke sorry) if you wish this time away. We all miss our bumps once baby arrives :)

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
awww everyones getting crutches im feeling left out :( :lol:

just messing... hope its not too bad for you :D
welcome to the Crutches Crew!

So its you, Babylicious and me all on crutches....I think we should have some sort of secret password and maybe decorate our crutches in a blinged up kinda way to make our Crew official!!

Here are mine...

what do ya think of me blinged up crutches biatches??!
LOL @ a crutches club. :rotfl:

I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.

Anyone else had acupuncture?
DebbieM said:
LOL @ a crutches club. :rotfl:

I feel better knowing I'm not the only one.

Anyone else had acupuncture?

nope. been doing a bit of cross stitching but thats about the closest Ive come to any needles!! :lol:
doesnt sound much fun for you at the moment - I have sacroiliac joint pain which is abd enough but at least if I rest as much as possible it isnt too bad (bit difficult with 3 kids but I try :))
hope using the crutches gives you some relief and it will all be over soon :)
:hug: :hug: to you Debbie, you poor thing. I haven't had SPD, but have had acupuncture for various other things during pregnancy such as swelling and insomnia, and also to turn LO when she was breech at 35 weeks. I've found it really helpful, and it doesn't hurt at all. Going again on Monday to try and bring labour on (currently 4 days overdue) so really hoping it works - hope it helps you too. Can you start maternity leave soon and get some rest? :hug: :hug:
Ellie_P said:
:hug: :hug: to you Debbie, you poor thing. I haven't had SPD, but have had acupuncture for various other things during pregnancy such as swelling and insomnia, and also to turn LO when she was breech at 35 weeks. I've found it really helpful, and it doesn't hurt at all. Going again on Monday to try and bring labour on (currently 4 days overdue) so really hoping it works - hope it helps you too. Can you start maternity leave soon and get some rest? :hug: :hug:

I hope it will work and thanks for letting me know it worked for you. :D I'll perhaps look forward to it now!

I wish I could start mat leave but as I work from home, I will be more or less working up until I pop I think... :?
:hug: :hug: :hug: aww hun, I hope the acupuncture helps.
Looking on the bright side, the pain should dissapear after you've given birth to flump

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