SPD Experts :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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whislt i was at hosp yesterday the midwife said it looks like i had spd.. i cudnt get on an off the bed with my legs open i had to keep dem closed the strain on my foof pelvis an inner thighs is unbelieavble.. im so annoyed thou cos i metioned this 2 my own MW an she sed oh its ok and just left it at that (was a few weeks ago thou) anyways the hosp MW sed its properly 2 late to get a physio appt. as they can take a few weeks an all should be ok wen tamerons here.. so can anyone whos had physios give me some tips please or is there anything specail you can do to help relieve it??? i dread turning over at nyt :(
Ive had spd in both pregnancys, i think with my first it didnt get dianosed till i was about as far gone as you :evil: they also had the oppinion that 'oh well its abit late now to go on a waiting list etc' plus one midwife said unless you litrally cant walk then they wont bother.
(alth ive read on here that other people have got help alot easier)

My only advise it to sleep with a pillow between your legs (when your on your side) this helps me, also not being in the same position for too long helps too. I know its difficult and tiring when so far gone but just walking round the living room every now and again 'helps' abit (instead of sitting watching tv for ages)

turning in bed IS THE WORST i really feel for you.

with this pregnancy ive seem to have gone through stages. around 20+ weeks i was REALLY bad. But its a little better now it deffinatly hasnt got worse *finguresed crossed* but things like being on the floor changing hannahs nappy and trying to get up while holding her weight is imposible. Same as picking her up from her cot of a night. :cry: (i can bearly get my hips working to get out of the bed!)

Also it wont effect your labour either hun, your not aware of your spd at all. :)
hope you feel better soon.
thanks hun! ive had real bad pelvis aches for a number of weeks but for a couple weeks it actually kains to turn over in bed or to get onto bed and the pain mainly hits me right in the foof it brings tears to my eyes alot of the time. even getting in an out of the car i have to swivle round with both legs toegther and get out that way now :(
i do sit down alot so i will try have lil breaks and walk about a bit... i did have an extra pillow for inbetween my legs but the cats stolen it lool ive got sum more in my airing cupboard ill get one out tonight it didnt rele help much before it only helped with the cramps in my calves witch seem to have died down and only arise wen i tense my leg... i wobble alot wen walking but the pain is nothing compared to tryna get in an out an turn over in bed... and for some strange reason walking up and down the stairs (although tiring) rele helps ease the foof pains :?
god i sound like a right wimp lool but i gues u and other who have an have had will no its really horrible lool...
SPD is now called Pelvic Girdle Pain. Have a look at the leaflet on this website to help you. It's what you get from the physio.

http://www.acpwh.org.uk/index.php?topic ... e=leaflets

My midwife gave me a tubigrip that i wear from hip to top of bump to keep me going until I see the physio. It has helped a bit and I can sleep through most the night now (except for loo breaks of course :D ) I was referred to the physio 2 weeks ago. I got a letter today saying I should call to make an appointment for an initial assessment. Unfortunately they didn't answer the phones at all so I had to leave a message (I did try phoning another 3 or 4 times but no luck). I'm hopeful that I will get the initial assessment before the baby is born!
try putting ice on the pubic bone it feels great when its painful!!!
Unfortunately, this is a horrible part of pregnancy for some people and *sometimes* there is just nothing that they can do to help you because the pain isn't muscular, it's actually bone related.

I've so far had:

Support Belt
Body Tubi-Grip
2 Sessions of Acupuncture

I'm in so muh pain most of the time that I can barely walk and getting out of bed is just awful. It literally makes me want to cry and I often have to get Matt to help me up out of a chair or off the bed etc....

Hopefully you will be ok but try to keep your knees together as much as possible and ask the MWs for some tips when giving birth as they will be able to guide you with certain positions to avoid and stuff like that.
go to tescos and get a birthing ball to sit on. Make sure you lay on your right or left side when you sleep with pillows for support. I found getting one of these mattress toppers worked (or you could use a duvet to sleep on)

get dressed sitting down, donot bend to get anything from the floor

I'm on crutches also :hug:

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