sorry nobody meantioned clit piercings?

no, but i am going to get it done.

if they give me money for a leaving pressie here, i will go and get it done. i really want to get it done though.
now i went into the shop i was so brave and asked about the VCH and the receptionist said 'whats that' as the piercer wasnt there until tomorrow. but i looked on the price board but didnt see VCH. i saw labia but thats all i remember, but thats not what i want done is it.

so what do i ask for. do i say its the vertical cliteral hood. HELP. i am going to have it done next thursday as i get paid this friday and its 25% off tuesdays to thursday. so i would appreciate an answer asap please.
its more commonly know as a "hood" piercing, but they iwll ask you when ur in the room which way you want the piercing hence the vertical..

seems a bit odd the woman on reception not even knowing waht a VCH is...

ALL women shud know waht one is...

god in metal :D lol
no one in eastbourne pierces below the waist, only 2 shops in eastbourne. found one in brighton. phoned up and will be having it done in half term unless i can get there on a weekend :D £30 going to have a curved bar is this right
when i got mine done i had a lil ring in and then i changed it to a lil bar..
i will just ask the piercer what he suggests.

when i go into a piecer is there anything i should be looking out for or any questions that i should ask the piercer.
My piercer always talks you through the procedure first,then he always shows you the equipment and the sterile needle straight from the pack,so you know it's clean.He also makes you watch him dispose of it in the yellow sharps box.He also has lots of certificates on his walls,but I suppose anyone can produce a certificate on the computer.
He also has one of those books which you can sign after to let other people know what it was like,like a guest book,and anyone can look through that.
If you had it pierced horizontally,it's like two holes with the ring or bar just resting on the clit,if it's done vertically it's one hole and the ring or bar is always there rubbing it!!(Nice!!)

BTW I have a ring through mine,because you can turn it so the ball is touching that oh so sensitive bit for maximum effect!!!! :wink: :wink:
oh yeah i am going to have VCH i was going to get a curved bar but i will go for the ring. :wink:
ive had most things pierced.

my clit was the most painfree really. there are only 2 nerve endings there. i didnt get numbed at all.

having it done was more embarressing more than painful in my opinion.

my nipple on the other hand. OUCH. they tube bent half way through and she was there scraping it through.
Ive got mine done(hood) and i remember her saying that it was just one hole, she didnt numb it at litriley took a second. I payed £60 and that was 5 years ago. i saved my birthday money from all the family. so cheers nan and dad :rotfl: I use a belly bar , there is so many pretty ones.
mine only cost £30 when i was 15 (naughty i know :oops: )

it really doesnt hurt. so if they dont numb it dont be put off. i got told the number can hurt more.

good luck :)
It can depend on your anatomy as to whether you can get a vertical or a horizontal.

Or you can have both if you are greedy!

Personally I think horizontal looks better.

If you are going to Brighton Davina, try Temple Tatu in Boyces Street they are excellent.
people have been asking if peircings hurt,
i dont think so personally,
i done my nips belly button and ears all myself.
(obviously with the correct equipment and stuff)
didnt hurt one bit part from my right nipple cos i did that after my left and it stung and i couldnt run for days,
tongue was a great feeling i thought, just felt like pressure.
stretching my ear was prolly the most painful
i do like getting piercings though cos im weird
does anyone have any sirface piercings
i love them

at one point i really wanted to have the bits next to my eye done. i forget what there called. they go vertically near your eyes. but my piercer wouldnt do it as it would leave a bright red scar. im kinda glad i didnt get it done now.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
yeowch! that sounds hurty! i bet it looks really pretty tho
Can i ask if its "pleasurable" for oral or penetration. My mate had one of them done (dont know if she had her clit pierced or hood) and said it was really good but never went into detail with her! Does it make a difference and in what way? Im thinking of getting one done... what sort of pleasure (if any) does it give the bloke? thanks in advance :hug:
This thread is making me feel a little queezy! :? :?

Im sure it looks lovely and is very pleasurable...I just honestly cant see myself choosing to inflict more pain on my Mrs than is strictly neccessary!

yowchy! x
xxsammyxx said:
Can i ask if its "pleasurable" for oral or penetration. My mate had one of them done (dont know if she had her clit pierced or hood) and said it was really good but never went into detail with her! Does it make a difference and in what way? Im thinking of getting one done... what sort of pleasure (if any) does it give the bloke? thanks in advance :hug:

I have mine done

Oral sex feels much better!
Penetration not much difference i dont think

And the man can get turned on by it... depending on weather hes into that sort of stuff
I dont have the balls to get my fanny out for someone too look at whie getting it pierced lol.

The ony piercings that are on my agenda are a navel piercing when im slim and a nose piercing.

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