nose piercings . . . i need help n advice


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
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hello ladies i have a wee question !!

has ppl got pics of ur piercings i really want a nose piercing, dunno which side to hav it on and i wanna no how they do it, rough cost etc..

thanks ladies :hug:
They stick a needle in your nose :lol: depend on where you go as to how much it costs.
just stick a needle in :eek:

can u like run me thru it wat they do im a bit of a pussy lol when it comes to pain hehe

do you geta choice of what stud u want in ?
They will more than likely wipe it with a disinfectant wipe to give it a clean then get the needle out to make the hole, thats it.

I had both mine done with a peircing gun so i'm not to sure, but that isnt meant to be done anymore so you will more than likely have the needle.
oh my god im so scared ill cry like a baby :eek:

but i really want one done xx
i had mine done a while ago n they just clean the nose with a wipe n i got a gun with mine, donno if they still do it with a gun, i dont think it was that sore just like a sharp scratch, nose was a bit tender for a few days but was fine, i got to pick my stud aswell,
i just want the gun lol sounds alot quicker n easier lol xx
They're not supposed to use the gun to do it anymore as it can cause damage so the chances are you wont get it with a gun, unless you go to a festival somewhere and go to one of those mobile piercing units and then they probably will.
piercing guns uses the stud to create the hole, and the stud is more or less blunt.

The needle is ultra sharp and will make the hole with far less pain involved, and in theory it should heal quicker too.
i had mine done with a gun (going bk abit now)

needle is much better. it hurts alot less than the gun.

but saying that, the nose piercing doenst hurt much neways. just makes your eyes water a little.

good luck :)
I had my nose peirced about a year ago and had it done with a gun. Cost me £5, he said if I wanted it done with a needle it would be £30 so I went for the gun lol.

They wiped my nose with disinfectant stuff then just peirced it. It dosent hurt that much, it just feels like a scratch and makes your eyes water for a few seconds after.
Thanks ladies !!

So does anyone have pics of their piercings ? xx

mine was 7 years ago, they did it with a gun, it cost £10 and didnt hurt or get infected, and i love it! (my boyf hates it tho, but its not his nose!)
i did it on the left side, at the time hardly any white girls seemed to have them and every asian girl i looked at seemed to have it on the left side, i never asked why or if theres a meaning to whichever side or anything, i just copied because i was a bit obsessed with bollywood stuff at the time!
go for it and post pics!
I've got mine on the left side. When I was going to get it pierced the piercer told me that to have it on your right side is supposed to mean your bisexual :?

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