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sorry nobody meantioned clit piercings?

Amanda & Bump

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Abitof an embarrassing question but nobody has asked, do i need to take it out before labour?
:D Hi Amanda,

I've asked this in a post only about a week ago, as I have mine done, I also asked on a body piercing site,and the general feeling seems to be that yes,it will have to be removed during labour.I've had mine done for years now,so I'm hoping I can get it back in straight away :D
i took all my genital ones out at 6 months as my bits swelled and they were feeling too tight, and i still havent put them back yet, 3 months after and none have closed up at all, i just check every 2 weeks.

please do remove as im sure if you were in a emergency situation they had to get baby out quick or some thing, they wont be worrying about be careful of ur piercing and more then likly it could be riped out :lol: ouchies :lol:

also if u have to go for surgery they would have to be removed any ways

hope this helps, i did post before abour "other" pierincgs, dont know where the topic has gone

love elaine
:D Thanks for that reply Elaine,I thought that as I had had my "bits" done for so long that the holes would be pretty permanent as the skin is different down there! It's good to hear that the holes may stop open for so long,and I was concerned about any swelling that may occur during pregnancy too.

That's put my mind at rest now!Thanks again :D :D
Thanks so much girls, makes sense really. Nobody meantioned so it seemed an embarrassing question, just so glad you 2 replied. I've had mine done a few years and would be gutted if it closed up cos i love having it and don't think i'd go to have it done again.
Thanks again girls
I hope you don't mind me asking, and I'm sure you've been asked tons of times before but was it extremely painful getting it done? Sorry I don't want to sound rude :oops:
:D Hi Skatty and Lilli,in my opinion the actual piercing didn't hurt,you are numbed a little before hand and it is quick.It's the few days after when it really hurts,I bruised badly,lips and all!! I suppose it's because you feel different,so you are aware of it,hence it hurting!
I personally thought my tongue piercing hurt the most,but that's because I found it hard to eat for a few days - my stomach thought my throat had been cut! :lol: :lol:
Now here in the united states, they make you wash your mouth with listerine for 3 minutes and that nu,bs you for when you get your tongue peirced. I didn't even feel mine. Now my mom has her bits peirced and they don't numb you for that, she said they almost had to peel her off the ceiling when they did it cause it hurt so bad. She has had to take hers out a few times also for surgeries and always got them back in.
hey girls, sorry been busy with my baby boy and not been on in months. I had belly, clit and tongue pierced. took belly and clit one out but about a month after the birth they went back in no problem. None of them hurt having them done but my tongue hurt beyond belief after numbness wore off. Hope this helps xx
butting in or yr thread sorry lol!
i have my belly {10 years} tongue {3 years} nipple{2 years} dun and the most painful thing of them all was my nipple.. i can guarantee i wont get my other 1 dun! 1 was enuf
was looking into getting my bits dun,, duz it REALLY hurt that much?
iv had 6 piercings in the last year and you would be amazed at how pain free they are :)
mine are a bit lame ears nose and belly
the worst for me was my nose it felt like someone punched me in it :shock: i was crying too :oops: xxxx
I dont have it done but can imagine it would rip during labour so yes take it out!!! :lol: I only have my lip, eyebrow, nose and ears pierced x
i have my nip and my "bits" done as you ladies so politely put it :D

they numbed both

for the nip it KILLS when u first clean it but other than that its fine!

for ur bits, its one sharp sting even with numbing, and its not so nice looking at first, but its VERY VERY VERY worthwhile in the long run if u know what i mean.

to the point of the doctors will die if they try and remove that :D ahhaha
:wave: Hi lozzijane, I didn't have to take mine out during my labour,when I had my membrane sweep the doctor said that I should take it out ready,but I thought that I would wait and see what the midwife said,all she did was ask me about it because her husband wanted her to have it done-and,like you,I thouroughly recommended it!!! :wink: :wink:
:wave: Hi Davina,it really isn't that bad,because the are is numb.You get a tiny bit of pain a few days after,because it bruises,and it's not really pain,just more an uncomfortable feeling I think the worst bit was actually opening wide if you know what I mean to have it pierced!!!Go for it,I'm sure you won't regret it - just make sure you got to someone who is "clean"and reputable. :hug:

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