sorry nobody meantioned clit piercings?

LMAO! nope i thougth i wud i had visions of wlaking out like john wayne, but i was absolutly fine..
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: im thinking about it now :dance:

p.s how long after can you have sex?
i think they advised me 3 weeks, cant remember its ages ago, but i have to say i didnt wait that long, as soon as it settled down like 5 days later i was back at it ;) haha

just make sure u wear a condom for a lil while,
o trust me we will be using condoms for a long time after the babies born!!! :rotfl:
right got a shop its called Heart of Steel, done by someone called wendy ,who you will know as family.

going to phone when i have the office to myself this afternoon. really nervous and i'm only phoning.
just wanted to know do you beep through airport security. i used to have my belly pierced but cant remember going to an airport with it.

that was a really bad piercing. he put a 10mm bar through a 12mm piercing
LMAO no you dont,

ive got loads of piercings!!!

was concerned about that the first time i flew, so todl me dad about a piercing in my belly button so he didnt find out at the sensor and didnt after all that!!! haha
:D Have you phoned yet Davina??? I promise you won't regret it!!!
The most common piercing in that area is the VCH - vertical clitoral hood,which is what mine is.My sister had her outer labia done,but I know she would have preffered the VCH.
And hevwithbump,get phoning too!!!
p.s how long after can you have sex?

My piercer told me to wait as well,and keep bodily fluids away from it,but he also told me that urine is a natural antiseptic so not to worry about that too much.I waited until the bruising had gone,which like lozzijane was around 5 days - you won't be able to wait to try it!!
my boss is in the office but ihave got the number, i need to ask for a vch then
i have tried two numbers of directory enquiry, Tattoo Mania on 1323 737363 and Heart of Steel on 01323 641200 and both numbers were discontinued. i'll have to drive down there or text my friend who has tattoo artist friends.
he he i have found a place :dance: :clap: when i go into town i will pop in there and find out prices etc. anyone know how much roughly it will cost.
i paid 30 but i had quotes between 18.50 and 45
the piercing place i go to in sheffield is £40.

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