Sorry more questions for mum of 2 or more


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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I just wondered if anyone can give any advice or tips for when baby no 2 arrives, Aimee will be just 18months by then and im not sure how much she will understand..
Did you put baby straight into a routine or not bother with one at all?

Did your child go to the hospital to see the baby or wait till you got home?
what did you tell him/her?

Do/did you bath them together or seperatly?

Aimee still currently has a bottle in the morning and b4 bed & i know she wont like the baby having one, should i stop her bottle now or wont it make a difference? (i have tried)

Sorry for all the questions, i just want to try and be a bit prepared & not make any big mistakes

hi hun ill try answer them from my own experience but it could all be different 4 u
i put the baby straight in to a routine becuase i thought it would be easier to cope with them both as they both wanted differnt things
i let Kiyanna come to the hospital to visit the baby so she didnt feel left out
when i told her i said that mummy was going to have another baby so she would be a big sister and have to help me look after her
i didnt bath them 2gether, i bathed Elise 1st so Kiyanna could help me, so she still felt apart of it all and not pushed out, then i would sit Elise in her bouncy chair in the bathroom and bath Kiyanna. i did this untill Elise was old enough to sit in the bath with Kiyanna but i bath them 2gether now
i dont think it would make a differnce taking her bottle of her so maybe try giving her her morning bottle and her night bottle at the same time as the baby feeds so she can sit next to you and the baby, drink her milk, and still do what she is use 2 doing
hope this helps in anyway & dont worry 2 much u will get use 2 it all when #2 arrives
x sophie x
I am also wanting answers to these questions too!!!!!

and... how hard is it when you have two children? Is it a big shock or do you feel more relaxed? Are your children really different and does it take a while to adapt? Any mums of 2 out there who can help us?
I'd love to know the answers to all these aswell ;)
There's a gap of one year and two weeks between Molly and Aimee, then we left it three years before we had Sam.

Molly was still very young when Aimee came along but she came to the hospital and was always involved. As soon as Aimee was in the big bath I bathed them together (because it's easier for me!) and they shared a room until last September. I put Aimee into Molly's routine as soon as she was old enough (about 12 weeks). It worked brilliantly and they are as close as twins.

They were both invloved with Sam right from the time the bump started to show. They helped choose his pram and get his room ready. They both came to the hospital on the day he was born. Molly especially is very helpful with the baby. She loves helping me in small ways like holding the bottle or wiping sick, bless her!

Good luck! You'll be amazed watching how the little people interact with one another, and nothing can prepare you for how much love your heart is cabable of feeling!

hi me again ill try answer the new questions 4 u abbiesmummy lol
its not exactly hard, their your children so soon enough its just back to normal, doing the same things, but with another addition of your side. i was on my own with the girls all day so i had no choice but 2 get on with everything as there was no1 else 2 do it n if i didnt then the girls wouldnt of had anything.
4 me it was more of a shock cause as i said up there, i was on my own. when i was pregnant i thort its goin 2 b ok but when i was out of hospital with her i didnt just have Kiyanna wanting my attention but i had the new baby needing feeding, bathing, clothing etc. but it becums your routine and it just cliks into place and gets better
my 2 girls was both differnt from birth untill now. Kiyanna wouldnt drink milk or sleep at night and now she is a picky eater and wont sleep unless im there. Elise always took a bottle and slept through the night only waking a bottle or nappy change. now she eats anything you give her and sleeps 8-7!
hope this helps in anyways ladies
x sophie x

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