Sorry I've been a stranger! X

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls! :)

Just wanted to say sorry I've been a stranger, I've had a tough few weeks, I've been nauseous all day, not been able to eat hardly, been moody and sulky and generally a bit sick of all things preggers! :whistle:

But I'm glad to say I'm starting to feel a lot better and am much more positive and excited.

I've had my first MW appointment and I've chosen a good friend as my midwife which I did at first think "I hope I'm doing the right thing?" but she's been an absolute star and is enjoying looking after me and vice versa.

I've had my booking appointment and am also under the top consultant and MW sister at the hospital, I've gone for a better hospital a bit further away and it's so much nicer than my local one!

Anyway I had my consultant appointment this week and found out from my bloods that I'm rehsus negative, that means if I have any bleeding during pregnancy then I'll have to have an injection of anti D that stops my body building antibodies to rehsus positive blood that the baby could possibly have with hubby being rehsus positive, it poses no risk to this pregnancy but if I didn't have the injection and developed antibodies my body could then fight against a future rehsus positive pregnancy, if the baby ends up rehsus negative then there's no worry but we won't know til it's born.

I'm not getting worried about it as there's not a lot I can do about it, I've got to do what I've got to do and I want more bubs so it will be worth it!

Hope you're all well, and congrats and welcome to the newbies! :)

That is so cool to have someone you know and trust as your midwife! Glad the blood issue is under control. X
Welcome back :)
That condition sounds scary but as you say, there's no point in worrying. Worrying doesn't help anyone!
Glad you're feeling better now! X
Hi maybe! Glad to hear you're starting to feel a little better :) hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your pregnancy more very soon xx

P.s. i am also Rh-negative and had been wondering about what level of bleeding you'd want to get the anti-D injection for? Is it literally anything (e.g. spotting)?

good to see you back and hope you continue to feel better soon xx
Thanks girls!

Tinsel, I think even spotting to be on the safe side, and also if you have a trauma to bump, ie fall/car crash.

Have you have previous pregnancies or mcs?

If so you'll be checked for antibodies, I luckily don't have any.

Welcome back hon. Glad you are feeling better! Xx
Thanks for the advice, maybe! I did have the anti-D injection when i lost my last pregnancy so i'm praying there aren't any antibodies.

Hi Hun,

Get your midwife booked in early, explaining that you're rehsus negative and they'll take your blood and they check then for the antibodies.

How did you come to know about it?

Hey hun glad to see your back, I'm rhesus neg too, wasn't given anti d when I had mc though, doc said because I was less than 12 week it wasn't necessary. You got scan date yet hun? Hope you are well xx

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