Sorry but an OV question again


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I am hoping that you can provide me some help and shed some light on a most confusing time? :wall2:

I have a 25 day cycle and will normally ov around cd10 therefore giving me 15 day luteal phase and next af and so I thought I had my cycle understood - how wrong I was!

My question is about cm, ov pain and of course ov itself.

I have been using opks and tracking my cm for the last few months I also get what I think is ov pain and this is where all the confusing starts!

Well this month I did all the tracking as normal and I had a positive opk on Sunday I also had lots of ewcm I also had a small and I mean small amount of pain in my left side. I therefore thought I had ov - but by my calculation a day early.

The next day (yesterday) I did another opk (no I don't know why I am obsessed) and a line was present but no as strong as Sunday my cm had also changed to creamy (sorry I know tmi). This made me more convinced that I had ov despite only having a small amount of pain and being a day early.

This is when the problem starts - from about 5pm had really bad pains in my left side as if I was ov then.

Right when do you think I ov?
If I did not ov until Monday is it normal for cm to change before ov and will that have an effect?

Please help I am getting so stressed :cry:

Thank you

I'm not an expert, but I would say that you ov on Sunday (or within the 24 period after the positive test). I sometimes get pains after ov too, but tend to go on what the ov test says.
I wouldn't worry hun - our bodies can be a bit weird sometimes!
Thanks, I hope it was Sunday.

I am worried about yesterday and what the pains meant and the change in cm!

Hi, I think the opk shows lh surge, which comes prior to ov, which should be within 24-36 hours, so u may have ov on monday. As for the change in cm, I can't really help as not sure how that works myself x x
Thank you for the response, I am a little worried about what the change of cm means if I did not ov until Monday will it have mattered?

Why is it all so confusing?


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