Sorry ... Blood stained discharge????


Active Member
Aug 18, 2011
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As per the title, I've just been to the bathroom after having period like cramps for a couple of hours, aches in my legs & lower back ache, to find a teeny weeny bit of blood on the tissue.

I left it half an hour or so before I needed to go again & couldn't help but poke around a little to find more blood ... I can only describe it as tiny blood streaks in my discharge (sorry to sound so unpleasant).

I'm 5 weeks & 1 day pregnant ... Do you think my period is on it's way?

I've sat with my feet up for half an hour or so & the cramping seems to have eased off a little although still have achy legs & back...

So nervous ; ( xxx
Lots of women on here have had similar and been fine. There is such a thing as implantation bleeding but I'm not quite sure how many weeks this takes place at - you might want to check it out. You can always try to ring your local epu (early pregnancy unit) for advice. Take care xxx
u sound like me the other day hun, i rung the midwife and she said this is all normal in early pregnancy but if ur unsure hun ring the early preg unit they may get u in for an early scan to check all is ok...i go for my early scan on wednesday to make sure all is fine! xx
I've got kind of the same thing I am having a scan to make sure. Maybe give them a call not to panic you, just to see what they say as I'm not too sure on the subject.
I don't know anything about the EPU??

Ive just rung my Dr's surgery & got an emergency Appt with a female Dr at 5.10... Do you think they will be of any use or should I look up the EPU on the Internet??

This is so scary ... I don't know how you can wait until Wednesday hun! I'm far too impatient for that...

Didn't realise I'd be back on this forum soo soon!!
u wont unless u have had ur booking in appointment with the midwife i only got the number after that visit! i started with quite a lot of blood on the tissue wednesday morning and spotted all day and night, i was fine the next day but had a few sharp pains so thought bugger it al ring and see if i can get an early scan just to put my mind at ease! dont think i am worrying too much as a lot of ladies have had this and all is well with them but better to check anyways. See ur doc anyway she may possibly give u the number for EPU and put ur mind at ease! good luck ladies, i know how scary it is when u see blood...these sprogs better be worth it hey :) xx
Ok, I've just spoken to a lovely lady at the EPU who said she is not worried about a little bit of blood with no pain but that I need to get a referral from my Dr to go & see them just in case as she wants to rule out an ectopic pregnancy because of my history ... So I'll see what my Dr says.

Good luck to everyone who has replied ... It's sounds as though it's very common but scary all the same xxxxxx
Hi hun, just read this, hope ur ok. Im having a bit of brown discharge. last night n this morning mainly, seems to have stopped since i got a bath. Iv got a scan in the morning, happy but scared. Be quite pushy if u want a scan cos they are always trying to save money etc!! godd luck xx
fabby hun glad they dont suspect its anything too serious but best to get it checked anyways aint it :) and yep deffo sounds common indeed xx
I had this and went to the EPU and all was well. Its best to go if you can to get some relief for your worries. I was told to lay on my left side that helps to stop any bleeding, it worked for me. I was 5wks 3 days when it happened to me. Hope everything goes ok. FX for you. xx
im 11 weeks pregnant and have been having a mixture of heavy bleeding and browwn/red discharge since 6wks, ive had 4 scans and everything is fine, i had a m/c in may so i have beenn panicking, but hospital told me if no severe cramps(,which i can assure you are like labour pains) theres no need to panic.

As per the title, I've just been to the bathroom after having period like cramps for a couple of hours, aches in my legs & lower back ache, to find a teeny weeny bit of blood on the tissue.

I left it half an hour or so before I needed to go again & couldn't help but poke around a little to find more blood ... I can only describe it as tiny blood streaks in my discharge (sorry to sound so unpleasant).

I'm 5 weeks & 1 day pregnant ... Do you think my period is on it's way?

I've sat with my feet up for half an hour or so & the cramping seems to have eased off a little although still have achy legs & back...

So nervous ; ( xxx
Thanks so much for your replies tonight...

I went to my Dr who was just awful about it all & prepared me to miscarry but i insisted on a EPU referral.

The lovely receptionist went out if her way to get me an appt for Wednesday morning so fingers crossed. I've been in floods of tears all night since the Dr's with worry.

The cramps definitely ease when I'm laying down & there's been no more blood when I wipe as I've stopped poking around.

I hope with all my heart that this is normal like you have experienced xxxxxxx
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Really hope you get you scan and some good news xxxxx

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