Sore Gums


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Anyone else having really sore gums? They bleed when I brush my teeth and feel really tender. Heard this is part of pregnancy just wondered of anyone else is experiencing it xxx
I haven't experienced this yet but I have heard its totally normal in pregnancy :) xx

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They aren't sore hun but have bled a bit on brushing. Also when I blow my nose!! (sorry tmi).

Not bothered where I bleed from though as long as it's not my lady bits. Ha ha.
I've been gettin bleeding nose when blow too. Not everytime but some time every day this week.

IV got bleeding gums not only when brushing they are quite sore aswel, and sometimes I can be Sat doing nothing and my mouth starts bleeding and about anhour ago my nose started bleeding, Iv never had a nose bleed before in my life ever. Go to dentist they may be able to recomend something im going next Friday, its free when your pregnant so you may aswell xxx
I was at the dentist this morning and she told me its completely notmal for your gums to bleed during pregnancy. Because i am pg, It was free too which was rather nice!

am defo making the most of free dentists althought ive now realised that baby doesnt like toothpaste hence my sicky feeling and heaving after brushing, i had nosebleeds too very heavy ones x
yep mine have done since 5 weeks, they hurt when eating apples etc, preasure on them and they bleed every morning and night.
Yeah I ate an apple last night and they started to bleed, they don't if I slice the apple beforehand though.

I can't brush my teeth without gagging, but then I do if I cough aswell?!
Yer I gagged when I coughed. I gagged at a lot of things. But gone now.

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