Sophie Marie-Ellen 23/7/08 7lbs 12oz *with new pics*


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Well, ive had 14 days now with my Sophie, so I think its time I sat down and wrote my birth story. Sorry for how long it is, but I want to be able to give a detailed account of my experience. I found it so helpful to read other peoples whilst I was pregnant I hope I can do the same.

I was laying in bed watching big brother it was about 11.45 and I felt some water between my legs, like I had wet myself, but I knew I hadn’t! My heart skipped a beat, Oh my god I though, my waters have broken! I stood up over my dressing gown, which was on the floor, and tonnes of water fell out of me! I called dean and he panicked asking what to do and should he come over. I said not to bother because I wasn’t in any pain. I went and woke my sister up, she changed my bed for me while I cleaned myself up, after the initial water coming out, it was clear jelly stuff, I went through about 2 pads just while I was trying to clear things up. I wasn’t in any pain and I was only 38 weeks pregnant, I thought first babies were supposed to go overdue? I didn’t know what to do, so I started a thread in ask a mum to ask if I should go to hospital or not, I was advised to go just for a check up, to make sure it was defiantly my waters that had broken and to minimise the risk of infection.

I called dean and he came over and I called the labour suite, they wanted me to come in and get checked over. We took the hospital bags with us (just incase) and I said to my dad and my sister id be home in an hour or two. We got to the hospital and the midwife wanted to check my pad and get a urine sample from me. I was then strapped to a monitor on the bed to check babies’ heartbeat. I was told it was my waters that had broken, and that if I didn’t go into labour on my own I would have to come into the hospital Wednesday morning at 8.30am to be induced. We sat there for about an hour and a half and were allowed home at about 2am.

Dean dropped me back off home, I told him to go to work tomorrow as I wasn’t in any pain and didn’t think Sophie would be coming anytime soon. My sister and Dad were in bed asleep so I went into my bedroom. As soon as I got home and got into bed I couldn’t sleep, I kept nodding off but was woken up with a pain in my tummy, I wasn’t sure if it was contractions as I had never had them before, I kept looking at the clock everytime I woke up and I was only getting about 10 mins sleep in between. It wasn’t too painful, but by 3.30am I text Dean to say I was having pains, I took two paracetamol and read some magazines. They were getting worse and worse and I couldn’t get any sleep at all. By 6am I couldn’t stand still during the contractions. I tried swaying side-to-side and breathed through them. I used the online contraction timer, they seemed to be all over the place and I would start the timer off and then walk around the room and forget to stop it once the contraction finished! So I gave up with that!

Dean came over about 6.40am and by then I couldn’t really talk through the contractions either. He made me some toast and when I was having a contraction I couldn’t chew the toast anymore! I called Fiona and told her that my waters broke and that I was in pain, but I didn’t think it was bad enough to go to hospital yet, she said Jodie! You’ve had 3 contractions in the space of 5 mins whilst talking to me! Im coming over. So she did, I was stressing because I needed to wash my hair, so she ran me a bath and I got in, dean was timing the contractions and Fiona washed my hair for me. She helped me get dressed and she said we should make our way to the hospital. We popped into her house so that her husband could take the children to school, it was about 8.20am. Whilst he was taking the children to school my contractions got a lot worse and I was screwing my face up with each one and my legs were tensing. Fiona called her husband to see if he was on his way back, and he was we clambered in the car and made our way to the hospital.

I had a massive contraction just as we parked up and so whilst dean and Fiona got out of the car I sat there holding my tummy, I told them id be alright to get out in a couple of minutes, it must have been on hell of a contraction because Fiona told dean to get a wheelchair and so I sat in that and got wheeled backwards through to the labour room.

The midwife came and saw me and watched how I was coping with the contractions and said that I was coping well and that she didn’t want to give me any medication at the moment. She left the room and I said that I wanted something as it was getting painful, when she came back in the room she saw that they were getting worse and said that she would get the gas and air for me. Next thing I knew she was bringing it in and was going to show me how to use it but I had a massive contraction! So she just gave it to me and I started sucking on it, I started laughing straight away! It really did work to help get through the pain. This is where things get a bit hazy with the G&A that’s why I didn’t like it. I had an internal at 10am and I was 4cm dilated, I was so happy, it meant that progress was being made!

Next thing I know Fiona is saying she’s all right she’s all right shes just passed out and I thought well no I haven’t because I can hear you talking! Everything was all echoey in my ears and I came round and I was scared. I hugged onto Dean and cleared my head, I told Fiona that I didn’t like it and I didn’t want to have the G&A anymore because when I was sucking on it, I felt like I was sitting there on my own and I didn’t have a clue what was going on. I thought it must be about 4 in the afternoon by now! So I turned and looked at the clock behind me.. It was only 11am! :’(

The midwife came back in the room and I told her that I hated the G&A and said I didn’t want it anymore, she suggested pethedine which I said I didn’t want because it transferred to the baby, and after everything I had read on the pregnancy forum about other peoples experiences it would have made me feel the same as the G&A. She said they wouldn’t give it to people if it was bad for them, but I stuck to my guns and said I wanted an epidural! The midwife left and I kept having contractions and I was dreading them because I would have to use the G&A, I said sorry to Dean and Fiona because I knew I was going to be out of it again, and started sucking on the G&A. Every time I came round I just kept shaking my head and pointing to the mouthpiece, making sure they knew that I wasn’t happy with it, I was in so much pain and so out of it from the G&A that I couldn’t really communicate verbally what was wrong. The contractions were so close together in the end that I was constantly breathing the G&A. Fiona kept saying that she knew I didn’t like it and that I would just have to hang on until the anaesthetist was free. It felt like forever. The Midwife came back with my drip and I told her I didn’t want the G&A anymore, Fiona said that I was defiantly getting an epidural because they were going to put my drip in.

The midwife needed a urine sample from me, the next thing I know I was on the toilet with Fiona holding a pot underneath me, I did a bit of wee and Fiona said is that all you have? And I said yep that’s all I can do, and then I started weeing like a trooper! We were laughing then I got a big contraction, Dean came over with the G&A and I was breathing it in whilst on the toilet, I eventually stood up to go back to the bed and I passed out again, Fiona holding my gown and urine sample, and Dean was holding the G&A canister!

At 12 the anaesthetist came in and I was so happy to see him I couldn’t stop smiling, Dean helped me move to the side of the bed so I could lean over and let him do the epidural, I said I was going to be sick, the midwife said I wasn’t it was just because I was in the late stages of labour, Dean assured her I was going to be sick and then I was sick all down my leg and all on the floor, poor Fiona was clearing it all up whilst I tried to stay alert and listen to what the anaesthetist was saying about the risks involved etc. Dean said it took about 20 mins for it to get all set up but I don’t really remember anything, I just remember making a noise when a contraction came so that the anaesthetist could stop what he was doing until it was over. Once it was done and I was settled back in bed I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, I just kept saying im sooo happy! I was so worried they weren’t going to let me have an epidural. I said to the midwife that it was my best friend and we named the epidural ‘poppy’ J

Once the epidural kicked in I was back to normal, there was a small area on my left side of my tummy that wasn’t covered by the epi, but I could cover that with the G&A, I didn’t have to suck too hard or too much on it so I wasn’t getting spaced out. Me Fiona and Dean were just waiting around from then, just waiting for the next internal to see how dilated I was and we kept hearing other peoples babies being born and women screaming in pain! Dean decided to have a little sleep in the chair next to the bed, but not for long only about 30 mins, then dean and Fiona took turns to massage my legs because they felt all weird and heavy from the epi. The second internal was at 2pm and I was 7 cm dilated, the fact that I was making progress was very encouraging, we were told that the next internal would be at 6pm. My contractions were irregular and not strong enough so I was put on a drip to make my contractions stronger. The machine kept beeping, I was told it was because I was bending my hand and stopping the drip from working, it wasn’t until I got into theatre that a surgeon saw that the canular wasn’t in my hand properly, hence I wasn’t getting enough of the drip to make my contractions stronger! If it was in properly I might have been able to push Sophie out and avoided the C section.

At 6pm I was told that I was 8cm dilated and that we were just waiting for the last bit of cervix to go so that I could start pushing. Dean’s dads’ birthday was the same day and we were getting excited at the fact that it would be very possible that Sophie would be born on his dads birthday!

The next internal was at 9.45 and I was told again that we were just waiting for the last bit of cervix to go then I would be ready for pushing. I think a midwife came and spoke to me about pushing and how and when we were going to do it etc, and what positions we could try. My notes say ‘findings discussed with Jodie, plan to wait one hour then commence active pushing.’ 10.45pm ‘Active pushing commenced’ I was put into the stirrups and every time I had a contraction I sucked on the G&A and then put my head down and pushed with all my might! Because my contractions were all over the place it was hard to know when to push. I just kept going and going. Fiona and the MW were encouraging me and I thought I was getting somewhere, my notes say ‘11.05pm vaginal exam to check on decent, 11.50pm registrar review due to lack of progress’
Next thing I know, someone came into the room to say that I had been pushing for over an hour and the baby hadn’t moved down, (dean and Fiona later told me that Sophies head was twisted and it would be too dangerous for me to push her out naturally) they were going to have to try to get Sophie out with the help of the ventouse,(to see if they could put her head back in the right positing and then pull her out vaginally) she said if that didn’t work then I would have to have a caesarean. I was petrified, everything happened in such a blur and so quickly, before I knew it surgeons were in and out of the room, shoving papers in my face to sign and telling me to take my jewellery and bra off and gave dean some scrubs to wear. Because I had been encouraged the whole time I was pushing I assumed I had got somewhere.

I was wheeled into theatre at 00.30am and I started shaking so much, the lights were so bright and there were about 6 people in the room, I had another drip put in my left hand and the surgeon saw the drip in my right hand wasn’t done properly and did something with it, the next thing I know there was blood pouring out everywhere, turns out he didn’t put the cap back on so I told him and he cleaned it all up! Lol Dean kept reassuring me and I was so determined to avoid a C section that I was convinced I would get Sophie out vaginally, I was warned that they could only try a couple of times with the ventouse as it distresses the baby. I felt lots of poking about and then I was told I push down along with the surgeon pulling on the ventouse, we tried it twice and the surgeon said that it was no good, Sophie wasn’t moving down, so we had to proceed to a C section. I felt completely defeated, deflated and terribly scared. Everyone was rushing about and the big screen went up, two more doses went into my back and I could feel the coldness running up my spine. They told me they were ready to start, and the Caesarean was commenced at 1am. It was the strangest sensation I have ever felt, I could feel the pressure of them cutting me open but not the pain, I could tell they cut me open from right to left, Dean later confessed that he was terrified during the whole process, but kept it together for my sake, I was shaking like a leaf, and he just kept looking at me and holding my hand, Dean started laughing and said he couldn’t believe that Sophie was being born to this song! Which turned out to be ‘we built this city on rock and roll!’ So now I have to listen to him playing that song all the time! Lol

1.10am Sophie was pulled out of my tummy, that was the weirdest sensation of all, it felt like my whole insides were being pulled out of me! She cried and it sounded all bubbly and gurgly! They took her straight to the left side where there was a table and dean got up and had a look whilst she was checked over, Dean also had a look whilst I was being stitched up, he said he could see all the layers of fat and muscles, he was too squeamish and scared to look whilst they were taking Sophie out! Dean went out of the room whilst Sophie was weighed and he came back and told me she was 7lb 12oz.1.50am I got transferred to another bed and then wheeled to recovery. Fiona was waiting in there with me and just kept saying how proud she was of me and how beautiful Sophie was. 2.20am I tried to breastfeed Sophie for a bit, she was getting frustrated and so was I. 3.15amDean and Fiona had a cuddle and took some photographs whilst I was cleaned up and put clean gown and knickers on. I was then told that Dean would have to go home, I started crying and couldn’t bare the thought of him having to go home, I pleaded with the midwives to let him stay but they said he couldn’t. 3.50am I was transferred to the ward, feeling knackered and starving and terrified of being left on my own with a new baby! Dean and Fiona stayed with me for a bit, they left about 4.40am. I called the nurse and asked them to take Sophie to the nursery so I could try and get some sleep. I couldn’t believe that I ended up having a C-section, after everything I had read about I never ever thought I would end up having one. I layed in my bed and watched the sun rising out of the window, trying to get my head around what had happened, and couldn’t believe that I was laying there on my own, when all I wanted was to be with Dean. He promised me he would be up at 9am sharp, and I kept telling myself that was only 4 hours time. I couldn’t sleep and text a few people to let them know that Sophie had been born. I was eventually let out of hospital 3 days later (thank god!) I wont bore you with that. But ive never been so happy to come home in all my life!!




You wrote that twice hun! You must have copied and pasted it again.

Wow!! I'm SOOOOOO glad you managed to post this before I have Evie because you sound EXACTLY like me it's so scary. Reading your story was like a little window for some reason about how it'll be for me? I don't know why... My expectations have changed.

You did so well Jodie you really did! reading that, you did brilliantly and sound like you coped like a trooper bless you!

I'm so pleased you went into detail too, Sophie will love to read this back one day, it's all so interesting!

Sorry you ended up having a C-section, but you did bloody well beforehand considering!

She is absolutely beautiful and my God! The spitting image of you! :shock:

Congratulations to both you and Dean on a gorgeous, beautiful little Sophie :D xx
oh she's beautiful! and so glad you are doing well. after all that labour and then a section! your a star!
Congrats hun! You have an absolutely stunning baby girl!
Sounds like you had a tough time, hope your recovering well xx
wow - i really wish i could write like you - you remember sooo much, alot of what you said reminded me of my birth with my first - even brought some memories back. Thankyou!

Shes really is beautiful!
:D I've been looking forward to reading that for 2 weeks now.
Thats one great birth story, i cant believe how much you remember and the details of EVERYTHING.
I hope mine is as good as yours, i might get Lee to go in with a notebook for me.....

Congratulations once again chick, she is one beautiful little lady and clearly mummy and daddys little princess.

Lovely birth story, well done and congratulations :cheer: Your daughter is beautiful!

It made me all emotional and I cried - damn hormones :lol:
Congratulations!! :cheer: :cheer:
I really enjoyed reading your story, you did fantastic :hug:
Sophie is gorgeous :hug:
Congratulations on little Sophie, she's gorgeous. You did really well so don't be hard on yourself about the c/section; there's a really good chance that you'll have a normal delivery if you have any more.
Aww shes beautiful!! What lovely pics!! Well done for writing it all in such detail, it was a really good read and you did brilliantly!! :hug: x

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