Thea Louise's birth story and pics


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Thea’s due date was the 18th of October 2006. Well that day came and went without my daughter’s arrival. By the time the due date arrived I have been having strong contractions for a few weeks but there was no regularity to them. I was feeling fat and fed up and very ready to have my baby!

Because I live in Hungary my dad had flown over from the UK on the 15th to be here for the birth of his first Grand daughter. Well I was totally convinced he would be home again before she actually decided to come out! A few days seems like a lifetime once you go over that due date you have in your head!

Anyway on to the birth story!

On Sunday the 22nd October I was supposed to go for a routine NST at my hospital because of being over due and my little girl having some heart rate issues a few days before. I woke up early around 6.30 thinking I needed the loo. When I got up a pain shot through my back and I thought oh great now my back hurts on top of everything else! I went back to bed but couldn’t really sleep. I kept getting these shooting pains in my lower back and down my thighs. I didn’t even mention them to Richard until 9am ish because I really didn’t think it was anything other than just one more pregnancy thing to deal with!

At 10 am Richard decided he was going to time the pains because he was sure they were real contractions. I told him to shut up and wouldn’t cooperate with him at all because I was convinced I was going to end up being induced into labour in another week’s time. We finally set off for the hospital for the NST at lunchtime but Richard insisted on taking my hospital bag with us because he thought it was fairly obvious we wouldn’t be coming home. My dad agreed with him, I on the other hand was still insisting I wasn’t in labour and that I would probably still be pregnant at Halloween!

On the way to the hospital the pains started getting worse and I was having trouble ignoring them now! They seemed like they could be getting closer together but I still wasn’t timing them!

Once they had me hooked up to the NST machine it became pretty smack in face obvious I was in labour. I was in agony and strong contractions were registering every four minutes perfectly! The nurse was a bit annoyed with me for not taking it all more seriously I think!

An hour later I was in total agony. There is no gas and air available in Hungary; it isn’t licensed for use in labour here so I had to cope on my own! I wasn’t enjoying it at all that’s for sure.

My midwife Hajna from the first med rang me to say she was on her way to the hospital and she has instructed them to start giving me a saline infusion to start the epidural process. Those were just the words I needed to hear! As it turned out it wasn’t quite the miracle I hoped for!

Once the epidural was in place about 40 minutes later I thought things would get easier. Unfortunately the dose of meds didn’t seem to last very long at all. SO I got a top up. And then another top up and then another one! A few hours later and after about 5 top up of the epi meds I was 10 cm dilated but in total agony. I was crying, I was curled up because it hurt so much. They checked my epidural site and found the needle had moved which meant that the meds weren’t getting where they needed to be properly (hence them only working on one contraction each!) SO I had done pretty much most of it without the pain relief. This wasn’t exactly news to me lol, I knew it wasn’t right!

They gave me a morphine injection so they could redo my epidural. Once the morphine kicked in and the epi site was set up properly all the drugs seems to kick in at once and I was out of it! Sort of unfortunate since it was time for me to start pushing my little girl out!

I was totally out of it. I remember laughing and saying that my backside felt heavy and telling Richard I thought I would just go to sleep now. My doctor really didn’t want to have to use the vacuum to help Thea out so in the end I managed to concentrate enough that with Hajna’s help to tell me when to push and Dr Babinsky pushing down really hard on my stomach to force Thea down we got her out without using anything! I had to be cut as Hajna was concerned it looked like I was going to tear badly but since all the drugs were working by then I couldn’t feel anything happening anyway!

After 35/40 minutes of pushing Thea Louise Carr was born at 8.23pm European time (7.23pm in the UK) weighing 7lbs 7oz and 52cms (21 inches) long! She was very red and very angry! She didn’t want to cry (I did plenty of that though) and seemed generally unhappy at being poked and prodded! She needed some suction and a few bursts of oxygen to help her out but she quickly got the hang of life outside! Her daddy cut the cord and we got a cuddle before she was taken to be cleaned up a little.

Everyone in the delivery room thought she looked like Richard except she has a full head of black hair just like I did when I was born. I think she looks a little like my brother Mark too.

pics at -

Gratz hun :hug:

Thea is beautiful she looks perfect :hug:

You look so good aswell straight after birth well done hun :cheer:

Ur website is great aswell :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yay! Congratulations and welcome to the world baby! Another great birth story! :cheer:
What a great story! And how good do you look missus??!! Just glowing and gorgeous!

Enjoy your lovely baby girl, congratulations :cheer:
Congratulations hun! Shes beautiful and i love her name.
what a teeny weeny gorgeous princess! i love her name - is it pronounced TEEa or THea. (Tia was on my list of names) xx
ToriElla said:
what a teeny weeny gorgeous princess! i love her name - is it pronounced TEEa or THea. (Tia was on my list of names) xx

THea but in Hungarian her name would be Tea pronounced Tay-a so thats what everyone in the hospital calls her lol
Aw hun she is gorgeous and what a great day to have her!! (my birthday to!)

Congratulations :cheer:
Awwww she is so gorgeous and what an amazing birth story! So pleased it all went well for you. Enjoy being a mummy :D :cheer:
Congratulations Mel, great story and beautiful pictures of Thea. You and your hubby look so proud!!
Well done Mel, brill story im glad you got there in the end you brave, brave lady!!

Thea is a stunner, congrats to you and Richard xxx
Well done Mel, you did brilliantly! Thea is gorgeous and you all look so happy :hug:
congrats melanie, beautiful pics!!

enjoy ur little princess!! :hug:

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