SOOOO upset - my OH has just been attacked! **Update pg 2***

oh god thats terrible! I really hope you are both ok this morning :hug: I really hope as others have said that you've gone to the police. They may not be very helpful at this stage but its so important that you do so that god forbid anything else happened it would be on record

thats terrible Lucy, how frightening for you, I hope the police get them, it is horrible that people cannot feel safe in their own homes :x
awww Lucy, hope you're all ok. Big hugs to you all ans especially little Tom :hug: :hug: :hug:
lucy :hug: :hug:

hope your ok today im sorry to hear bout what has happened i hope your all ok, look after yourselves :hug: :hug: xx
Thank you all so much for your messages. It really made my day to get back and see them all. :hug:

We spent 8 hours in the hospital today. Ali's jaw was worse this morning so we dropped Tom off with Mum and went to A&E. He has a fractured jaw and bruising. The punch was so hard it pushed his wisdom tooth up out of place too.

They have decided not to operate but need to check him again on Thursday and re x-ray the week after. He is on a soft-food diet for six weeks. I feel so sorry for him. He is such a big but lovely, gentle man and he so does not deserve this. He is all pale today from the shock and I think it's knocked his confidence too.

I can't believe we haven't heard a peep from the police since they came round last night. Ali was just in the bath with Tom and I looked out of our bedroom window and I saw three of the boys from last night standing outside the house opposite just chatting and smoking. I felt sick. I wish they knew how much they have upset our little family and made us worry but then again they probably don't care.

L xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Urchin said:

What did the police say?

Make sure you take photos of his injuries asap.

Glad you mentioned this Urchin as I hadn't thought of that. I will go and take pictures now.

The police didn't say much really? They just said they'd go and look for them and arrest them for assault if they found them but we haven't heard anything since. :?
You should ring the police and let them know they are hanging around outside again
aww Lucy :hug:

Hope Ali gets better soon, can't believe people would want to hurt someone so much! Makes me sick!! :evil: and to think they had the cheek to come back!

Call the Police quick whilst they're there!
HappyAlice said:
You should ring the police and let them know they are hanging around outside again

That's EXACTLY what I was gonna say. Tell the police they threatened to come back and now they are hanging around outside.
when DS was attakced we were told to call 999 if we saw the attackers again

go call :hug:
HappyAlice said:
You should ring the police and let them know they are hanging around outside again


What a horrible bunch of lads! There is no way they should be allowed to get away with causing you so many problems. Your poor OH :(
I know it's CRAZY but we're sort of scared to call the police again because we don't want to antagonise these little idiots any more than they already are. They said last night that they would target us and victimise us and make our lives a misery. They said they would kill Ali and fuck him up. We're both sort of thinking now that if we call the police again then it might just make them more determined to get us.
I think we're both so knackered and emotional about the whole thing that we can't really think straight.
We're also scared (especially me) and just don't want to make things worse.
What do you think????
Im so sorry to hear this hunni, i hope the police target them and they stay away!!

I think thats disgusting that they could do that just because they were told to be quiet - not much to ask though is it!

I feel desperately sorry for your husband as i have been attacked and know how he feels. My best wishes are with him and take one day at a toime, but fight to keep these thugs off your back - just keep harrassing the police till their sick of you and lock them up!
i cant get over how cocky those tw@ts are, call the police and get them taken away - the police dont even have to tell them why theyre there, they could just tell em to move on!!!
Oh my goodness ive just read this post some people make me sick how they treat others i hope ur OH is recovering ok and your coping too.

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