SOOOO much pain..


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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HI Guys!!

OK... this is my second pregnancy and I did not have pain like this with my first. I am 7 months pregnant (31 weeks) and the pressure I have when I sit walk, lay down is quite intense. Its not just the pressure I get its a pain lower....

I have a painful pubic bone on the left side, which is getting worse by the day. I asked my doctor and he says this is normal, but this doctor is new to me and I dont really think he has a clue!! Even my visits with him are nothing but checking my Blood Pressure.. (strange!!)

Anyhow!! I am not sure if any of you guys have this... but its stopping me from doing pretty much everything. I was even up most of the night last night, feeling the pain when I moved to a new position.

What do you think? PS. I have just moved back to Australia, and I know I need to find a better doctor, but things are sooo diffreent here, unless you are on 'private medical insurance'.... I have not had the opportunity to get it as I was preggers before I got back here!!! I dont even get to chose my doctor to deliver my child!!!

Confused and in pain ox
Sorry you're in so much pain- and I don't really have any advice just a :hug:
I know how you feel about things being "different" abroad- I live in Spain and yesterday my doc prescribed me Diazepam for back ache :shock: (poss to help me sleep better)- I came home looked on net (as you do) and I was horrified- it's an anti-depressant and is NOT recommended for use in pregnancy - it's also been linked to deformations!!!
I think when we have any doubt about things we must question them- possibly get second opinion if necessary.
i had similar pain to what you are describing. mostly in my hip area on one side both front and back and sometimes it would affect my leg.....midwife said it was sciatica (prob spelt it wrong) which is a nerve that baby can sometimes affect
annaespana1 said:
Sorry you're in so much pain- and I don't really have any advice just a :hug:
I know how you feel about things being "different" abroad- I live in Spain and yesterday my doc prescribed me Diazepam for back ache :shock: (poss to help me sleep better)- I came home looked on net (as you do) and I was horrified- it's an anti-depressant and is NOT recommended for use in pregnancy - it's also been linked to deformations!!!
I think when we have any doubt about things we must question them- possibly get second opinion if necessary.

see I live in Spain too...but when I injured my back when I was 15 weeks pg.. I went to the hospital screaming in agony and they just did a quick scan of the baby and sent me home, saying deal with it... we can't give you anything...and even the paracetamol is too much to take they said :shock: So even in the same country they do things differently..

Tineke, it could be SPD, but you really need to see another doctor, or find an osteopath to help you... It might help to see a physio anyways...Alternatively just keep going back to your GP demanding help until he gets annoyed and does something. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like SPD to me hun. Mine is getting worse and worse the heavier I get, I can barely walk some nights :cry: My midwife referred me to physio which gave me tips on how to manage the pain better etc. She also gave me some crutches which are a god send!!!

Mine is worse when I move in bed or get up to the loo, I have to keep stopping and starting coz it hurts so much!

Hope you feel better soon xxx
Iv had exactly the same problem for about 3 and a half months now..... the midwife told me to 'just take paracetamol'...which I have been doing... but the pain hasnt eased it... :cry:

Just another week for me to go (hopefully) .. then it'll all be over... :)
From what you are describing, I have exactly the same thing. Mine is on my left side as well and it seems to be more painful whenever I change position, walk or really whenever i do anything with my leg. I've been having this pain for a couple of months now and i was thinking it's normal, due to the weight strain but since a couple of weeks now it has become really painful, can barely do anything and it usually stops me in my tracks.

I went to the doctor, not so much for pain relief but because I was sooo worried it would create a permanent problem that would stay with me after the birth. She was really mean, saying that it's normal and just take 8 paracetamol max/day (!) and there is nothing we can do and we can't tell if it will become a permanent problem and oh well only a couple of months for you to go! Arghhh, I felt so angry! :evil: When I next saw my midwife I explained to her how I felt, she said I have sciatica, which I think is something to do with a twisted nerve or something and she suggested I could do some acupuncture at the hospital maternity ward. I haven't been yet, so can't tell you if it got any better or not but I have to say that doing stretching exercises twice a day really helps.

I hope you will soon find a good doctor you can trust. It really is hard, isn't it? Take care.
To those whos midwifes are ebing b*tches and not helping you, I would recommend getting a pregnancy belt as it helps to hold the pelvis together as it sounds exactly like SPD, and I know how agonizing it is :(

Also doing pelvic floor exercises help a little, and try to keep your legs together when getting out of bed, and push yourself up from chairs etc using your arms. Theres little things you can do to ease it slightly but apparently it wont go away until LO's are born :?

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