some people are so rude!!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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my dad was in tescos earlier getting a few last bits. he said it was proper rammed, he had to go to the far side of the carpark to get a trolley! so he goes into the store, which is huuuuuge! they've extended it upwards and backwards. but anyway, thats by the by. he gets in and can hardly walk round cos the queues for the tills go right back to the back of the shop :shock:

so everyone's queuing up next to the shelves, blocking all the food off and stuff. dad turns round to this woman and says, scuse me could you pass me suchandsuch please. bearing in mind, my dad's quite proper, so its not like he was a proper chav lol. this woman turns round, looks down her nose and goes no, you'll have to wait :shock:

she was in the friggin queue for the checkout!! what was he meant to do, wait for the queue to disappear?!
:shock: thats terrible!!

morribobs was the same today about the trolleys but they were doing really well on queue control
I would have done a few kung fu moves on her.....
My eyes popped out my head there.....why are some people so bloody rude.

in the voice of the E4 guy *shes a right ruddy twat* :rofl:

Hope your dad managed to get everything else without hassle. x x x
People are incredibly ill-mannered these days...that's just disgraceful (snobby cow as well)

Best one we had recently was waiting in a queue for a "traditional sausage van" - massive queue of people waiting in the cold for their lunch sausage (because they are fantabulous) and this little scroat quite obviously stood at the wrong side of the queue and then barged in to get HIS lunch.

I was fuming...there were people behind me with kids (quite obviously having been shopping and Daddy was being reqarded for good behaviour with a sausage sarnie :lol: and I let rip at said little scroat

"you little twat - ignorant little boy. Can't you quite clearly see that there is a gentleman in front of you AND a huge queue behind him? OF course you can, you just don't care, do you, you selfish little scroat..."

Husband was black-affronted I had said something but I refused to be quiet - little oik was RUDE and I cannot abide bad I swore at him instead :rofl: (if you consider "twat" to be swearing which I do :lol: )

I cannot abide bad manners, though. No excuse for it. Your dad should have thrown a baked bean tin at her head...
Manners cost nothing and its amazing how few people have them..
My Tesco was the same today, and the old lady behind me wouldn't stop ramming her trolley into my back, no matter how many times I turned around and glared at her xx
Politeness is free and I'd have told her that
Me,My Girls and I - If I were your Dad I would have just moved her trolley out of the way but I may have started a food fight at the same time!

I was in M&S food yesterday when I got in the queue which wasnt really very long, I had my hands full and Rosie in the pushchair - a little old lady was behind me with a trolley full of M&S chocolate mousses and the 'typical old lady who shops in M&S for all her food' fayre. I got Rosie her water cup out of my bag and then the wipes fell out so in the time it took me to put them back in the queue had moved 2 paces forward..she says 'excuse me are you in the queue?' I looked her in the eye which was 3 feet downwards and frowned and said 'yes, I am!', then a few minutes later she nudges her trolley into my bottom!!! I actually ignored it because I didnt want to make a scene and I was extra tired and not feeling the best, otherwise I would have gone mental! Thats assault!

People are sooooooo rude, impatient and unwilling to think of other people - selfish is the word that sums them up.
ohhhh dont get me started :rotfl: i hate bad manners im always aking people nicly to excuse me or could you pass me this (i have a double buggy) and its soo annoying when they ignoor me or say no i ask twice and if they ignoor me or say no i raise my voice (still politally) and say very loudly look im not asking to get infront of you in the queue i just want to get passed i have asked you twice nicely now excuse me - then i use the pram as a buldozer lol!!! i find old people are the worst!! i find all the chavy kind tend to move and say sorry lol bloody old people i would have made a scene if i was your dad i always do and get the whole red cheeks imbarressed face look or they awnser bak and then im not polite lol!! x x x
my dad was in tescos earlier getting a few last bits. he said it was proper rammed, he had to go to the far side of the carpark to get a trolley! so he goes into the store, which is huuuuuge! they've extended it upwards and backwards. but anyway, thats by the by. he gets in and can hardly walk round cos the queues for the tills go right back to the back of the shop :shock:

so everyone's queuing up next to the shelves, blocking all the food off and stuff. dad turns round to this woman and says, scuse me could you pass me suchandsuch please. bearing in mind, my dad's quite proper, so its not like he was a proper chav lol. this woman turns round, looks down her nose and goes no, you'll have to wait :shock:

she was in the friggin queue for the checkout!! what was he meant to do, wait for the queue to disappear?!

:shock: That's awful!! How much effort would it be for her to pass him something?! I thought the shops here were bad today... that sounds awful! I found that as long as I kspt smiling and apologised nicely to all the people I crashed into with the buggy people were surprisingly happy though :rofl:
My OH was in ASDA getting some booze and this woman ran into him and knocked everything over smashing everything and then moaned at him :roll:

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