some info on cervical mucus and when to have sex

it's good to be balanced with each other - almost all the arguments I've ever had with OH have been about sex and me wanting more...(not many arguments, we don't argue much, but it's fairly consistent)

he's happy to have more while we're TTC but I worry that once we catch he won't want as much any more...

before TTC I got about twice a week out of him, I'd happily have every the moment it's almost every other day. we've got a fairly good balance at the mo

I'd love it if our sex drives matched
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OH and i are about the same although sometimes he is so tired from work that he falls asleep, But when i wake him up he is fine with it. I couldnt imagine not having it if im honest but everyones different. :) xx
You get used to it, then you don't think about it any more xxx
I understand where you're coming from Cosmicgirl, I was single for 6 years before I met my OH and went 2 years with BD. It doesn't bother me. It's the OH that always wants it. Although once I give in and let him have his way I have fun and enjoy it.

Normally I'd much rather have a few kisses and cuddles before sleep.
I understand where you're coming from Cosmicgirl, I was single for 6 years before I met my OH and went 2 years with BD. It doesn't bother me. It's the OH that always wants it. Although once I give in and let him have his way I have fun and enjoy it.

Normally I'd much rather have a few kisses and cuddles before sleep.

We're like that, would rather have a cuddle and go to sleep, before you know it a years gone by and you realize you haven't bd for over a year xx
I guess everyone is different and it is what suits you, it would just be nice for you cosmic to gain some pleasure while TTC, however if you and Oh are happy thats all that counts.

Like some of the other ladies here, I have a much higher sex drive than my OH.
You're right, and I don't enjoy bd but it's kinda essential to ttc unfortunately lol
I suppose we didn't really have to think about it before ttc and now we're having to do something we don't really fancy because we want a baby, maybe I will get the turkey baster out lol :) xx
Me and my husband both have low sex drives as well. We both enjoy sex, but I dunno, we just don't seem to have it a lot. Which is hard when we're TTC, as it should be an enjoyable experience, but it's kinda turned into a "we have to have sex now" thing, because otherwise, we would never conceive! We :bd: 6 days during my fertile period, that was 7 days ago and haven't :bd: since and I know we won't :bd: again unless we don't get a :bfp: and need to try for another month.

We just prefer cuddling, lol.
I have to say my OH does have a higher sex drive than me but not by much really, sometimes we both cant be bothered but once we get into it even if we are tired we still enjoy ;)

Dont think i could go a whole week with out BD never mind a year, but guess if you are both well matched in that area it works :)
Hmmm....some very interesting stuff here! I'm a bit worried that we BD too often and that we don't get enough soldiers in at the time. So this cycle DH will have to save up some sokduers before my fertile days and than we can enjoy eachother! Its going to be difficult, but we really want that BFP!
well the info up at the top says as much sperm as possible and :bd: when you can lol
so i just do it when i feel like it lol
i love it with oh and sometimes its me going moody when he has fell asleep on me, i wake him up in the end lol :P
We have basically done it as much as we felt like and when we felt like it for 11 months without any results, so now it's time for a new strategy! I really believe this could work:)

I'll certainly let you know if it does:) Wish me luck, it will be hard for me to keep my hands of him:lol:

Lots of luck to you ladies!

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